Mexican vs Spanish
At first glance, differences between Mexican and Spanish are all too glaring; the two are separate countries out of whom Mexico lies in South America while Spain lies in Europe. In US, Latino is the word used to refer to all individuals and groups with Latin American roots. There is a term Hispanic used in the country to refer to people belonging to Latin American countries and speaking Spanish language. Though there are many similarities between Mexican and Spanish people, there are differences also that will be discussed in this article.
Both Spanish and Mexican people speak Spanish language, which is what makes the situation confusing for the people in US. However, there are differences in Spanish as it is spoken in Spain, and the way it is spoken in Mexico. Spanish people are of European descent, and you would find European whites in Spain, whereas if one looks at Mexican people, they appear to belong to different ethnic groups such as Aztec and Mayan, though there are also European and people of Spanish descent in Mexico. In general, there are more dark skinned people than whites in Mexico. It is clear then that Mexicans are both Latinos and Hispanic as they belong to a South American country and speak Spanish. However, they are not Spanish, and only people from Spain qualify to be labelled as Spanish.
It is true that Mexicans share Spanish language with natives of Spain, but there are far too many regional variations that make linguists say that Mexican Spanish qualifies to be a separate language. One finds a lot of Spanish influence on culture in Mexico such as bull fights, foods like Spanish rice, and yes, Catholic Religion. Yet it is easy to see the differences between Mexican and Spanish people. Mexico is an erstwhile Spanish colony, which is why there are so many things in common between Spanish and Mexican people.
What is the difference between Mexican and Spanish? • Hispanic is a term used for people living in the US speaking Spanish language. In this respect, both Spanish as well as Mexicans are Hispanics. • Mexicans are people living in North America whereas Spaniards are people living in Europe • Spanish people are mostly European whites, while native Mexicans are dark skinned people. • There are differences in the way Spanish language is spoken in Mexico, just like English is spoken in US. • There are differences in Mexican and Spanish cultures though the people speak the same Spanish language. • Mexico is an erstwhile Spanish colony.
Rachel says
Mexican is not language !!! people in Mexico speak Castillian. The difference between Spaniards and Mexicans, is that Spaniards are purely white Europeans, and Mexicans are mestizos,which means they are a mixture between the White and Aztec race, (Not purely white, nor native) Mexicans are proud of both their European, and Native roots.
Ulises Jose Mizrahi Moreno says
“Spaniards are purely white Europeans” Lol after 8 centuries under arab rule do you really believe that?? Spaniards are mongrels as latino as well!
Fabiano Marques says
The arabs were in GRANADA for 800 years, in Galicia (Northwestern Spain) they were present for less than a hundred years and in Asturias they were never present. As Castile, Aragon and Portugal reconquered the lost lands, the majority of the muslim population abandoned said lands and fled to granada or to north africa ( in Castile because the Castillians were less tolerable of minorities, the fleeing was much greater). After the majority of those muslims fled, christians from the north resettled in those newly conquered areas to repopulate said areas. The few muslims who remained after 1492 were forced to leave or convert in 1502, and in 1609 the very few of muslims still remaining were kicked out of Spain all together.
Ron Pleece says
People from Mexico do not speak Castillian, maybe Mexico City, but Castillian Spanish is mostly spoken in Spain, just as Cambridge English is spoken in England but not normally in the US.
cynthia says
Rachel, my family is from Spain and we speak Castilian, and I don’t understand a lot of the words that my Mexican neighbor says..
Beth says
That’s the same as saying that every European that came to the US of A is mixed with American Indians. So, a resounding NO…not all Mexicans are mestizos. Not every single Spaniard multiplied with every single Mexican Indian. Unless you performed a DNA test on every Mexican then you have no idea what the ethnicity of a Mexican is…just like you wouldn’t know the ethnicity of all Americans solely because they’re Americans.
Brian says
Is this person a moron? Mexico is a country in North American, NOT South America…
Ron Pleece says
Central America
Chrissy says
No, it’s in North America.
Julian aka Vato (@VatoIsLoco) says
Central America is apart of north america
Rigoberto Hernandez says
The mexicas had class.they where clean people.they were nice.they didnt rape steal or hit there children or wifes.when the spainards came they murdered mexicas.spainards raped mexica women.raping and lieing and hitting there own kids came from spain europe.the spainards are monsters devils demonds thieves.spainards killed baby mexicas.mexico was origanlly called aztlan.spainards came up with the name aztecs.the correct way to say aztec is mexica.when the spainards came they disrespected and changed the countrys name from aztlan to mexico.
Ron Pleece says
There were no Mexicans before the Spanish came, they did not bring their families until long after they arrived, Mexicans only existed when the Spanish and native had mixed race children at the time called mestizos or mixed. Before this, there was just the native Indians of the Americas which according to many actually are of Asian decent. Yes the Spanish were cruel, as were the English, French, Portuguese, and virtually all conquerors since the beginning of time. I don’t know where you get all the other bull, there is good and bad in every culture or race. Spanish, El Salvadoreans, or Venezuelans are insulted to be called Mexican but Mexican have no problem being called Spanish. As far as the name Mexico, I don’t believe this name came from the Spanish but as the Mestizos population grew and resided mainly in the place known now as Mexico. I would find it more likely that English speaking people who did not pronounce Mestizo properly where as Mexico was easier to say used this pronunciation also calling the country where they lived, Mexico, or the land of the Mestizo.
Conrad Guevara says
Ron you’re an idiot. The word Mexico comes from what the Aztec called themselves-Mexica (pronounced Meshica). The Spaniards heard this and esentially changed the name to Mexico. I really wish some of you people would pick up a book and read. God the ignorance on this page is overwhelming!
Martha Gonzalez says
Mexicans = 69% Mestizos(Mostly European Spanish +Indigenous people from any of hundreds of tribes). 9% of these Mestizos come out looking part white or white, so they are classified as white Mexicans. 30% are said to be pure native from different tribes, not just the typical Aztec Maya stereotype! So since the 9% are counted separate the mestizo come down to 60%. 1% are other with some having native blood too. Many light skin natives fall into the mestizo category too even though they’re not, so these percentages should be a little different. So 99%+ have Native blood in them. Spanish are European people=white people.
Ron Pleece says
This is mostly true although so much time has past that there are much fewer Mexicans that actually have Spanish ancestry and even then a much smaller percentage of Spanish blood. There is less and less simalarities between Spanish and Mexican as time passes.
Ricardo Wright says
”but there are far too many regional variations that make linguists say that Mexican Spanish qualifies to be a separate language” thats like saying that American English and British English are separate languages, the word you are looking for is DIALECT.
Ulises Jose Mizrahi Moreno says
Lol, Mexico in south america hahahaha!
Ditto Villarreal says
Sorry, Mexicans are not Hispanics or Latinos, Hispanic is a race and a culture, Mexicans inherited some of that culture like a lot of other colonies, Most Mexicans and a lot of Mexican Americans are mainly native American with a little bit of European blood thrown in, I said most, because there are some exceptions. A Latino is someone who is from a country who’s native(evolved) language is of romantic language descent, Mexico’s mother tongue although not used frequently is some form of native American, which means, French, Spanish, Italians are the real Latinos. As for the native American argument, do not let televisa and their novellas fool you, most people in Mexico are darker completed, it’s just that the dominant elite(Spanish, French, and Italian) have complete reign in that country. I agree with Ron, Castilian Spanish is not spoken in most of Mexico, in fact the original Native American tongue is spoken a lot more frequently.
Mary Esther Salinas says
Omg! All of you’ll are so wrong. My great great grandfather immigrated to the United States from Spain with his Italian wife. Then my grandfather born in Goliad Texas married a Jewish Spaniard, but my grandfather Adolph Salinas married a Mexican-American. I grew up speaking Español Castillano. Mexicans are insulted if you especially call them El Salvadoian or any other country in South America. Mexico is the richest country in Latin America. There are lots of darker skin people in the South of Spain. But thank God, my ancestry is of Nortern Spain, Mexican, Jewish, Italian, Russian, and French. The problem with Mexico is that the richer get richer and the poorer get poorer. Of course the dialect would be different. The English make fun of American English and how much Americans but her the English language. The Spaniards. South American countries are of even darker skin as they are mixed with African blood. A mestizo is of European and Indian origins, but a Mulato n South America are of Black, Indian, and European.
Jose Ortiz says
Too much ignorance when it comes to Americans speaking about their southern neighbor. Mexico is in South America? Some idiot said that. Then another fool said Mexico is in Central America and yet another idiot said that Central America is a part of North America. As long as the language spoken in Mexico follows the semantic rules and grammar of Spanish, it will be Spanish. Don’t confuse differences in vocabulary, accents and idioms that happen even within one country, with a reason to rename a language. Then some other idiots leaning towards racism mentioned skin colors and some shallow racial mixing theories, which reminds me how poor some aspects of the American educational system will always be.
Alfredo Ortiz says
Hello, I did a DNA test and found that I am 12% spanish, 9% other European, and 48% from Mexico.. I speak Spanish, when I encounter a person from south America or spain, I adapt to their dialect, just like when I encounter an American southern drawl speaker to a formal english speaker, My brain adapts so I can understant. I think every person is unique, I am traveling to spain to see if I can adapt..