Middle Class vs Upper Class
People of a society are divided in to different classes according to the economic and cultural conditions of people in a specific society. These social classes are determined on different facts such as relationships and ownerships. The status of a person legally is also a determinant of the class. Different cultural features are also used to determine different types of social classes. The Middle and Upper Classes are one of the two classes out of the three classes most commonly referred to in a society. The Middle Class refers to people who are living in an economic condition which is suitable but in some cases, they may have to face difficulties in terms of money, living or other facilities. Upper class refers to group of people in a society who are living their life in a good way as compared to middle class people and have all kinds of facilities in their life allowing them to lead a happy life as compared to people from lower social classes.
Upper Class
Upper Class, in most of the cases and dictionaries, refers to people who are living at a position in the society where they can dominate over other people of society. People belonging to upper class are mostly dominant on the things that happen to them apart from the natural issues.
Middle Class
Middle Class refers to a group of people of a society who are living below the economic conditions as that of people belonging to upper class. The determination of the society class to which a person belongs is carried out in different ways in different countries.
Difference between Middle Class and Upper Class
Middle and Upper class are different from each other on the basis of a number of facts. A person receiving an income which is in the average range of income of the society doesn’t always mean that the person belongs to middle class. The class to which a person belongs to is determined by the job that he does, the standard of life he is living as well as the economic conditions he is living with. There are a lot of differences between the two classes of people in a society which will be discussed here. People belonging to upper class have much more to spend than a person of a middle class. Living standard of people from these two classes also differentiates on the basis of income and place where they live and also their life style. For example, a person belonging to middle class will only have money to visit a place for a vacation such as Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand or places where it will cost them less. On the other hand, people from upper class would prefer to go and would be able to afford to go to much costly places like US, Germany, Italy, England, Spain, Australia and places similar to these. Education level of the two classes is also different from each other. Most of the people from middle class take Elementary Secondary Education from countries where it is easier for them. On the other hand, the people belonging to upper class will prefer to get most of their education from different countries where standards of education are high. In short, middle class people can enjoy the necessities like upper class people but this would require them to save up money. On the other hand, upper class people can enjoy facilities at any time due to the economic conditions they have.
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