MySQL vs PostgreSQL
MySQL and PostgreSQL are both database management systems. There is need of a database system in every organization or Company. MySQL is open source database management system. MySQL is a RDBMS or Relational Database Management System whereas PostgreSQL is ORDBMS or Object Relational Database Management System.
MySQL is an open source database management system. It is supported, developed and distributed by Oracle. A structured collection of information or data is called database. A database management system like MySQL is required in order to access, process or even add data into a database. As computers are efficient in handling data so a database management system plays an important role in these types of activities.
It is a relational database management system which means that the data is kept in different tables. This provides much speed as well as flexibility to the database. MySQL is open source software which means that anyone can use as well as modify this software according to their needs. This software can be downloaded from the internet free of cost. The users can modify the code after studying it. The commercial licensed version can also be bought if users want to embed this software into other applications.
This database server is very reliable, easy to use and fast. The features provided in MySQL server are developed in close cooperation of the users of MySQL server. This software was mainly designed to handle large amount of data or databases and has proved successful in these type of demanding environments. MySQL is client-server database software. Different back-ends are supported by this multi-threaded server.
PostgreSQL is an ORDBMS or Object Relational Database Management. It was developed at the Berkeley Computer Science Department of University of California.
It is also an open source database management system and comes from the original Berkeley code. A large part of SQL standard is supported by PostgreSQL and it offers many features such as transactional integrity, triggers, foreign keys, multiversion concurrency control, complex queries and views.
The user can extend the PostgreSQL by adding new index methods, procedural languages, functions, operators, data types and aggregate functions. As it is open source so it can be modified, distributed or used by everyone free of cost for academic, commercial or provide use.
Difference between MySQL and PostgreSQL • PostgreSQL is feature rich as compared to MYSQL as it provides stored procedures, views, cursors and sub-queries that are not supported by stable version of MySQL. • There is s large community to support on MySQL as it is used more as compared to PostgreSQL. A larger number of resources such as books, internet are available to assist users in case of MySQL whereas this not the case with PostgreSQl. • MySQL is considered to be faster than PostgreSQL as the former one was designed in such a way whereas PostgreSQL was designed as a fully featured database software. • GNU GPL license is used in case of MySQL whereas PostgreSQL is released under the BSD license. |
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