Key Difference – Obligation vs Responsibility
Obligation and responsibility are two words that are often considered to be similar. An obligation is an act to which an individual is morally or legally bound. A responsibility is a duty or task that you are required or expected to do. The key difference between obligation and responsibility is that obligation refers to actions that must be fulfilled or performed whereas responsibility refers to an action for which you are accountable.
What is an Obligation?
Obligation is an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound. It compels an individual to follow or avoid a particular course of action. However, this person is compelled to fulfil this obligation due to an agreement, contract or rules and regulations, not because of a choice. For example, when someone says he was obliged to do something, we understand that he did it because he has no other choice. The term obligation is often used in legal and other formal contexts.
He has an obligation to complete this task.
You are under no obligation to attend this meeting.
She plans to join a monastery after completing her commitments and obligations.
You have a duty and obligation to report such happenings.
He has an obligation to attend their wedding.
I felt no obligation to help her.
I felt that it was my moral obligation to call the police.

You have an obligation to fulfill the terms of the contract.
What is a Responsibility?
In general, responsibility refers to something for which one is responsible. It is something that it is your job or duty to deal with: you are accountable for these tasks. For example, parents are responsible for the welfare of the children. If something happens to the child, parents are held accountable for it.
It’s your responsibility to clean the house.
The nurse has many responsibilities.
Mr. James has taken the responsibility of this project.
As the manager, it is her responsibility to make sure that everything’s finished on time.
Who’s going to oversee the responsibilities of the marketing manager?
Responsibility can also refer to a moral obligation to behave correctly towards something.
We have a responsibility to protect the nature.
He felt that he has a moral responsibility to help these people.

We have a responsibility to protect nature.
What is the difference between Obligation and Responsibility?
Obligation is an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment.
Responsibility is the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.
Obligation compels a person to follow or avoid a particular course of action.
Responsibility ensures that the person involved is accountable for the relevant task.
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