Parody vs Satire
Parody and satire are two English words that are very confusing, at least for non natives. This is because of their similarities, notably their ability to provide clean fun to the people at the expense of an original work by an author of eminence. Wit and humor are elements present in both parody, as well as, satire. However, there are differences in the two that are evident to those watching a satire or a parody. This article attempts to articulate these differences.
Parody is a literary work where clean fun is provided to the readers or audiences by imitating the characteristic style of a writer or a literary figure in such a manner that the presentation is full of humor. Comic effect is all that is sought from a parody. Popular films of the past are recreated with a punch of comic effect added to create parodies. Parody has no ulterior motive and just intends to provide comic relief to audiences.
Satire has all that a parody has. In addition, there is anger with intent to serve a message across the society. Satire has entertainment along with a message for the people. Humor serves the purpose of making the subject more palatable for the society. There are many who fail to understand the real point behind the satire. However, they too get the humor part. Satire wishes the people to sit up and think.
What is the difference between Parody and Satire? • Parody is meant for clean fun and makes audiences laugh while satires makes people laugh and think • Satire has a subtle message for the society while parody dies not intend to induce any change in the society • Satire sends a serious message wrapped in humor while parody is meant for fun only • Parody has a wide variety of subjects to choose from (films, songs, plays, artists, characters etc) whereas satire targets the society through a humorous subject that may or may not be imitation.
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