Part Time Job vs Casual Job
Part time job and casual job are types of job. When it comes to taking jobs, there are those who opt for just working either part time or casual for many reasons. These reasons are mostly rooted from their status in life; whether they have children or not, other jobs, et. al. See the differences.
Part time job
Part time jobs are usually defined by the number of hours that are allotted to a particular employee. Usually these employees who choose to just do part time job work half of the hours of a regular, full time employee. Examples of these jobs are those waiters/waitresses who only work during certain hours of the day, like lunch hours or dinner or breakfast time.
Casual job
Casual jobs are those kinds that are relegated for certain occasions. They do earn wages which are on a per hour basis. Jobs like these do not subject the employee to leaves such as holiday leaves,sick leaves and the like. If a person wants a casual job, he can just choose the number of hours that he can perform and this is subjected to the management’s approval.
Difference between part time job and casual job
Part time jobs usually have just half of the hours performed by a full time employee; Casual jobs are mostly dictated by how much hours a particular employee can perform in a particular day. While part time jobs enjoy holiday and sick leaves, casual jobs do not have the luxury. Part time jobs are paid by the number of hours you are able to perform in a given pay day; casual jobs are paid per hour. Part time jobs can grow into full time work dependent on one’s performance evaluation; casual jobs are spur of the moment ones.
So we can see that these two jobs might seem similar at face value but they do not. They have subtle differences that will separate them from one another. It is just a matter of knowing what kind of job it is and the number of hours usually allotted to it.
In brief: • Part time jobs generally have half of the hours of a full time employee; casual jobs’ hours are determined by need. • Part time jobs do have leaves; casual jobs do not |
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