Past Life vs Present Life
Past life and Present life are two terms that are used figuratively but with different senses. Past life refers to the incidents that occurred in the life of a person in the past. On the other present life refers to the incidents that occur in the life of a person in the present. This is the main difference between past life and present life.
Past life is all about the things that have happened in the past whereas present life is all about the things that happen during the present time. It is often said that one should not brood over the past. It only means that one should not lament over the issues or the problems he faced in the past or some time or long time ago. Psychologists feel that brooding over past incidents or past life makes a person pensive.
On the other hand rejoicing or developing the right attitude towards the present life is very essential to develop mental strength. Past life need not be the same as the present life. For example the past of life of a great celebrity at present might have been filled with tragedies and poverty but on the other hand the present life of the same celebrity might be filled with happiness and fame. Thus it should be said that in most cases past life is different from present life.
Past life gives rise to reminiscences. On the other hand present life gives rise to experiences. Past life gives rise to memories. On the other hand present life gives rise to extremities such as happiness and remorse. Past life can always be retold whereas present life can only be known at the time of the occurrence of the incidents or the events. These are the differences between past life and present life.
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