PayPal vs Google Checkout
For online payments, there are many systems in the world. Of these, Google Checkout and PayPal are most popular as they are free, easy to set up and very convenient for online buyers and sellers. If you are a seller on the internet, you have to make use of an online payment system and you can easily make use of either of these two. Though the basic purpose of both PayPal and Google Checkout is same, both have some differences that will be highlighted in this article to enable sellers to choose one that is better suited for their requirements.
What is PayPal?
PayPal, the online payment system has now been taken over by eBay which is a giant auction site. It has been in this business for quite some time now and offers facilities in over 55 countries of the world. PayPal has great features for small business owners and anti-fraud measures that generate confidence among users. It is a recognizable and trusted brand with millions of customers.
What is Google Checkout?
Google Checkout on the other hand is an initiative of Google which needs no introduction. It started service in 2006 and till today, services are open for people in the US only. Being a product of Google, it is integrated with Google Adwords and Adsense thus implying that users of these services can use their earnings to pay for future purchases.
Difference between PayPal and Google Checkout
One difference between two online payment processors is that one can get to PayPal through a phone which is not possible with Google checkout which is accessible through email only. This is one support feature that comes in handy in case of problems.
Google Checkout scores over PayPal when it comes to anti-fraud measures being a baby of Google, the technology giants. One point which disappoints users on PayPal is that it does not entertain complaints for purchases below $50. On the contrary, Google Checkout provides full protection irrespective of purchase amount.
PayPal is ahead of Google in terms of modes of payments as it offers payment through credit cards, debit cards and even payments deducted from bank accounts. On the other hand, Google Checkout accepts only credit cards and debit cards. While PayPal offers payments in 17 currencies of the world, it is only US dollars and UK Pounds in the case of Google Checkout.
In conclusion, it can be said that PayPal offers more options to merchants for payments and is also available in 55 countries of the world. On the other hand, Google checkout is beneficial for customers in the US who also use Google Adwords and Adsense for advertising.
Comparison of PayPal vs Google Checkout • Among online payment processors, PayPal is more popular and has presence in 55 countries of the world where as Google Checkout is relatively new and open to customers in US only. • PayPal is owned by eBay and is integrated to this great auction site whereas Google Checkout is integrated to Adwords and Adsense. • PayPal offers more payment options than Google Checkout. • There is online support in case of PayPal in the form of phone whereas one can complain only through email on Google Checkout.
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