Philosophy vs World View
Philosophy and world view are two terms that have to be understood with precision as there is a difference between them. In other words, we can say that they, philosophy and world view, are two different words that convey different meanings. Philosophy deals with fundamental and general matters that we have to deal with life such as those that are connected with language, reality, knowledge, etc. On the other hand, world view pertains to fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society. Let us see more about these two terms so that we can understand what each term refers to.
What is Philosophy?
Philosophy deals with fundamental and general matters that we have to deal in life such as those that are connected with language, reality, knowledge, etc. Philosophy, in other words, deals with the nature of the soul, its relationship with the body and the eternal entities among other subject areas such as language, knowledge, values, etc. Philosophy is all about means of valid knowledge that establish the truth about the permanent entity. The permanent is differently perceived in different philosophies of the world. Moreover, philosophy emphasizes the need for the realization of the supreme truth and its dwelling within the heart to attain liberation. Philosophy aims at liberation.
Philosophy is divided into sub-categories as epistemology, logic, metaphysics, ethics and aesthetics. Epistemology deals with the scope of knowledge and nature. Logic is a study that concentrates on the correct way to reason. Metaphysics pays attention to subject areas such as existence, time, objects, process, etc. Ethics focuses on answering the question what is the best way to live. It also considers if that question can be answered. Aesthetics focuses on matters that come to the attention of our senses such as taste, art, beauty, etc.
What is World View?
The term world view refers to world perception. World view deals with ideas and perceptions through which an individual describes the nature of the world and interacts with it. It is important to know that world view encompasses natural philosophy, fundamental and existential postulates. The world view pertains to fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society. This kind of cognitive knowledge is useful to the individual to have a thorough understanding of the world and its nature. World view aims at the understanding of the reality. It can be said that world view leads to philosophical perception. In the most simple terms, one can say that world view is how an individual or a group of people see the world, the point of view they use in seeing the world, and understanding its ways.
As a matter of fact, the term word view is derived from the German word ‘Weltanschauung.’ In German, the word ‘Welt’ means ‘world’ and ‘Anschauung’ means ‘view.’ Some people break down the main topic called world view into five categories. These categories are naturalism, pantheism, theism, spiritism and polytheism, and postmodernism. These different categories have different ideas about man, values, truth and reality. For example, naturalism believes that man is the product of a biological process. Values have no scientific importance though they are socially useful. Truth is always backed by science. The reality is one dimensional. What we see is what is there. Pantheism gives more value to the spiritual dimension when it comes to reality. Man is a spiritual being. Truth is beyond what people call rational description. When it comes to values, there is no real difference between good and bad. Theism has a God concept to every aspect. Reality is that the universe was created by God. Man was a production of God. Truth is known by revelation, five senses, and rational thought. Values are important. Spritism and Polytheism focus on the belief of sprits. Man, reality, truth, and values are all governed by the presence of spirits. In postmodernism everything has a connection to the cultural paradigm.
What is the difference between Philosophy and World View?
• Definition of Philosophy and World View:
• Philosophy deals with fundamental and general matters that we have to deal in life such as those that are connected with language, reality, knowledge, etc.
• World view focuses on how an individual or society sees the world and understands the world.
• Sub-categories:
• Philosophy has sub-categories as epistemology, logic, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics.
• World view has sub-categories as naturalism, pantheism, theism, spiritism and polytheism and postmodernism.
Images Courtesy:
- Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Wanderherr (CC BY-SA 3.0)
- Blue marble via Wikicommons (Public Domain)
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