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Difference Between Pneumonia and Pneumonitis

Key Difference – Pneumonia vs Pneumonitis

Air pollution and the poor quality of the air we inhale have increased the incidence of respiratory disorders by several folds. Pneumonia, which is defined as the invasion of the lung parenchyma by a disease-causing agent (mostly bacteria), evoking exudative solidification of the (consolidation) pulmonary tissue, made headlines in the world media few times in the recent years. The term pneumonitis, on the other hand, is used to describe the inflammation of the pulmonary tissues that is caused by the non-infectious agents. Although both conditions are associated with the inflammation of the lung tissues, in pneumonia, the inflammation is due to infectious agents, but in pneumonitis, the inflammation is caused by non-infectious agents. This is the key difference between pneumonia and pneumonitis.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Pneumonia
3. What is Pneumonitis
4. Similarities Between Pneumonia and Pneumonitis
5. Side by Side Comparison – Pneumonia vs Pneumonitis in Tabular Form
6. Summary

What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is the exudative solidification (consolidation) of the pulmonary tissue caused by the invasion of the lung parenchyma by a disease-causing agent.

Criteria for the Classification of Pneumonia

  1. According to the causative agent

Bacterial, viral, fungal

  1. According to the gross anatomic distribution of the disease

Lobar Pneumonia, Bronchopneumonia

  1. According to the place where the pneumonia is acquired

Community-acquired, hospital-acquired

  1. According to the nature of the host reaction

Suppurative, fibrinous


The normal lung is devoid of any disease-causing organisms or substances. The respiratory tract has several defense mechanisms aimed at preventing the entry of these disease-causing agents.

Pneumonia can result whenever these defenses are impaired or the host resistance is decreased. Factors such as chronic diseases, immunosuppression and use of immunosuppressive drugs, leukopenia, and viral infections affect the host resistance making the host vulnerable to get this kind of disorders.

Figure 01: Pneumonia

The clearance mechanisms can be damaged in several ways,



Lobar Pneumonia


Four stages of inflammatory response have classically been described.

The lung is heavy, boggy, and red. This stage is characterized by vascular engorgement, intra-alveolar fluid with few neutrophils, and often the presence of numerous bacteria.

Congestion is followed by red hepatization which is characterized by massive confluent exudation with red cells, neutrophils, and fibrin filling the alveolar spaces.

In the gray hepatization stage because of the progressive disintegration of the red blood cells that have accumulated in the alveolar spaces, lungs assume a gray color. This grayish appearance is enhanced by the presence of the fibrino suppurative exudate.

During the final stage of the pathogenesis, the consolidated exudate that has accumulated within the alveolar spaces undergoes progressive enzymatic digestion to produce a granular semi-fluid debris that is reabsorbed and ingested by macrophages or coughed up.


Clinical Features



The choice of antibiotics is based on the results of the culture of sputum. Sometimes surgical drainage of the mucus and sputum is necessary.

What is Pneumonitis?

Pneumonitis is the inflammation of the pulmonary parenchyma due to non-infectious causes. If untreated, the chronic inflammation can give rise to extensive fibrosis of the lung tissues. This decreases the compliance of the lungs, impairing the gas exchange that is principally manifested as breathlessness.




The following investigations are used to arrive at a definitive diagnosis


Oxygen therapy may be required if the patient is severely breathless. Corticosteroids are used as anti-inflammatory agents to control the ongoing inflammatory processes.

What is the Similarity Between Pneumonia and Pneumonitis?

What is the Difference Between Pneumonia and Pneumonitis?

Pneumonia vs Pneumonitis

Pneumonia is the exudative solidification of the pulmonary tissue caused by the invasion of the lung parenchyma by a disease-causing agent. Pneumonitis is the inflammation of the pulmonary parenchyma due to non- infectious causes.
Inflammation is triggered by infectious agents mainly bacteria. Inflammation is triggered by non -infectious agents such as radiation, drugs and various other irritants.
Untreated pneumonia can give rise to the following complications

· Abscess – because of the tissue destruction and necrosis

· Empyema- as a result of the infection spreading into the pleural cavity

· Organization

· Dissemination into the bloodstream.

Chronic inflammation of the pulmonary tissues can result in the irreversible fibrosis of lung parenchyma.
Clinical Features
The most common clinical features are,

· Acute onset of fever

· Dyspnea

· Productive cough

· Chest pain

· Pleural friction rub

· Effusion

The following symptoms can be seen in pneumonitis,

· Dyspnea

· Fatigue

· Sometimes chronic cough

· Other non- specific symptoms such as weight loss

 Chest X-ray and sputum for culture are done to identify the causative agent and the degree of disease spread.

Further investigations may be required to correctly identify the underlying pathology.

 Chest X-ray, CT, pulmonary function tests, bronchoscopy and lung biopsy, are the investigations that are done to confirm the diagnosis.
 The choice of antibiotics is based on the results of the culture of sputum. Sometimes surgical drainage of the mucus and sputum is necessary. Oxygen therapy may be required if the patient is severely breathless. Corticosteroids are used as anti-inflammatory agents to control the ongoing inflammatory processes.

Summary – Pneumonia vs Pneumonitis

Invasion of the lung parenchyma by a disease-causing agent (mostly bacteria) evokes exudative solidification of the (consolidation) of the pulmonary tissue known as pneumonia. Pneumonitis is the inflammation of the pulmonary parenchyma due to non- infectious causes. Although both conditions are associated with the inflammation of the lung tissues, the inflammation in pneumonia is due to infectious agents, but in pneumonitis, the inflammation is caused by non-infectious agents.  This is the basic difference between pneumonia and pneumonitis.

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1. Kumar, Parveen J., and Michael L. Clark. Kumar & Clark clinical medicine. Edinburgh: W.B. Saunders, 2009.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Blausen 0994 Pneumonia” By BruceBlaus – Own work (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “Pneumonitis” By BruceBlaus – Own work (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Commons Wikimedia