Publishing Company vs Imprint Company
Publishing company and Imprint Company are both involved in disseminating information. Both are also an essential part of a book or magazine. It is known to everyone that it is difficult to reach ones target readers without a dependable publishing and imprint company. Now, let’s see how these two differ.
Publishing Company
A publishing company is the company who publish and distributes printed materials such as books and magazines as well as newspapers. They disseminate information to the general public through the use of printed mediums. They are the ones who create and develop the contents of such printed material and they were also the ones who market and promote their contents. They also do the copy editing and the graphical design.
Imprint Company
Imprint Company is the specific company name where the book is printed under. They are the ones whose name appears on a printed material as a trademark. These ones carry the name and are the ones known by the consumers. They can also be referred to as the brand or the logo. A single publishing company can have several imprints that can be used to market work to different consumer.
Difference between Publishing Company and Imprint Company
Sometimes, differentiating these two is a bit tiring and confusing. Publishing company are larger, somewhat faceless companies, while imprints are the more specific name that can be seen by consumers. For example in a certain book publisher that covers the area of education, the publisher maybe anonymous but they have several smaller version such as “Books for Kids” for preschoolers, “Teenagers Life” for teenagers, both of this books have different imprints but both were owned by one publishing company. One can think of imprints as the brands that is owned by larger companies.
By mere looking at the names, you will realize that a publishing company and an imprint company has a big difference, all we need to learn is how to pay attention.
In brief: • Publishing company are larger, somewhat faceless companies, while imprints are the more specific name that can be seen by consumers. • Most likely, readers would know the imprint companies first rather than than publishing company. |
margaret bullard says
that is not true. for example I have come across “Century, an imprint of Random House” ;and you say Random House has invented Century because people will know that named better. But I think most people have heard of Random House but not of Century. so who do Random House not publish under that name unless of course they want to have a different name for books of dirrerent catedgories. which makeds sednse but it is not the dedfinition you gave. margaret bullard