Regular Coke vs Diet Coke
Regular and diet coke are two variants of cola drinks made by Coca-Cola company. Coca-cola or simply coke is invented by a pharmacist named John Pemberton around 1886 and supposedly be a patent medicine but later on introduce to the market as a carbonated soft drink by a businessman.
Regular coke
Regular coke has initially two variants, the one with the original formula which later called as classic coke and the one using a new formula which they called new coke. This new coke is what we now know as regular coke. The common ingredients of a regular coke are: sugar, carbonated water, caffeine, natural flavorings, and phosphoric acid. The natural flavorings are where the trade secret of coke lies.
Diet coke
Diet coke is also known by other terms like coke light, coca-cola light, or diet coca-cola and is known for it contains no sugar at all, hence the word “diet” is used. On August 1982, diet coke was introduced in United States first and it was the first variant of coke ever since its creation on 1885. Diet coke contains aspartame with rumors that says it’s a toxic substance.
Difference between Regular Coke and Diet Coke
Even if regular coke and diet coke are two variants of coca-cola soft drinks, they have different kinds of formula used. Regular coke contains carbonated water, caffeine, sugar, and natural flavorings while diet coke uses entirely different balance of ingredients and contains high fructose corn syrup. Regular coke is first invented by pharmacist John Pemberton in 1886 while the diet coke is the first variant of the regular coke introduced on the 9th of August 1982. Regular coke has a high content in sugar which isn’t good for diabetics whereas diet coke has aspartame which is considered as toxic substance.
The difference between Regular and Diet Coke lies greatly in its contents and formula used. While the sugar contents in coke and other soft drinks are proven to be bad for diabetics, the aspartame contents in diet coke is not a toxic substance and proven to be safe by the World Health Organization.
In brief: • Regular coke and diet coke have different kinds of formula and different balance of ingredients used. • Regular coke has high sugar contents which is bad for the health especially if you have diabetes while diet coke contains no sugar at all. • Regular coke was first invented in 1886 by a pharmacist whereas the diet coke is the first ever variant of regular coke and introduced on August 1982. |
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