Server vs Desktop
In general, a server could refer to a computer program running to satisfy requests from clients that are coming from the same machine or different computers in the network, or the physical computer that is actually running such a program. Simply, a server can be seen as a software service running on a dedicated computer and the service can be obtained by other computers in the network. A desktop is a personal computer that is intended for personal use at a single location and is considered to be not portable as laptops or other portable computers.
A server is a software service running on a dedicated computer and the service provided by this can be obtained by other computers in the network. Sometimes the physical computer that runs this service is also referred to as the server. Mainly servers provide a dedicated functionality such as web servers serving web pages, print servers providing printing functionalities, and database servers providing database functionalities including storage and management of data. Even though a personal computer or a laptop can work as a server, a dedicated server contains special features that would allow it to efficiently satisfy incoming requests. Therefore, dedicated servers normally include faster CPUs, large high performing RAM (Random Access Memory) and large storage devices such as multiple hard drives. Furthermore, servers use operating systems (OS) that are server oriented providing special features suitable for the server environments. In these OS, GUI is an optional feature and provides advanced back up facilities and tight system security features.
A desktop is a computer intended for personal use and it is typically kept in a single place. Furthermore, desktop refers to a computer that is laid horizontally on the desk unlike towers. Early desktop computers were very large and they took up the space in a whole room. It was only in 1970s the first computers that could be kept on desk arrived. Widely used OS today in desktops are Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. While Windows and Linux could be used with any desktop, Mac OS X has some restrictions. Desktops are powered from a wall socket and therefore power consumption is not a critical issue. Furthermore, desktop computers provide more space for heat dissipation. Initially, desktop computers were not integrated with wireless technologies such as WiFi, Bluetooth and 3G, but currently they are integrated with wireless technologies.
What is the difference between a Server and a Desktop?
A desktop is a personal computer intended for personal use, while server is a dedicated computer that runs a software service that can be obtained by other computers in the network. Servers are normally made up of powerful components such as faster CPUs, high performing RAM and larger hard disks than desktop computers, since it needs to satisfy large number request at a given time. Furthermore, servers contain special server oriented OS that is capable of maintaining backups and providing improved security while the OS contained in desktop normally do not offer or offer simple versions of these services.
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