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Difference Between Shiv and Shank

Shiv vs Shank

Shiv and shank are words that are commonly considered as synonymous by most people. Despite similarities, there are differences that are worth learning, to use the right word in a particular context. This article takes a closer look at Shiv and shank to find out their meanings and usage so as to enable readers to use them correctly.


Shiv is a word that can be both a noun, as well as a verb. As a noun, it refers to a knife or, still better, a slang term for a knife. As a verb, it refers to the act of stabbing someone with a sharp object. The word has origins in the gypsy tribes of Romania and Moldova that used such objects. If you are derisive or taunting someone, you can say that he used a Shiv to cut the rope. Of course, you said it as he did not make use of a proper knife to cut the rope.


Shank is a term that is used for anything that looks or works like a knife. It is of course a slang term for this kind of a homemade knife. It may not even be metallic to be labeled a shank. You can call a shard of glass with a cloth tied at one end as a shank.

What is the difference between Shiv and Shank?

• Both Shiv and shank are slang terms for objects that look or work like knives.

• Shiv is often used to refer to sharp weapon like objects made by prisoners.

• The word Shiv comes from the gypsies of Romania who used them for a knife like object.

• Shiv is both a noun as well as a verb while shank is just a noun.