Spiritual vs Emotional
Spiritual and Emotional are two types of mental behavioral changes in man that show some differences between them. Emotions are nothing but feelings related to worldly life. On the other hand, spiritual are feelings related to unearthly or unworldly life.
There can only be earthly happiness in emotional feelings. On the other hand, there can be an unbound happiness in the case of spiritual feelings. This is an important difference between the two mental conditions. Being spiritual is all about being godly in thinking and acting.
On the other hand, being emotional is all about being humanly in thinking and acting. Spirituality is highest state of mind, whereas emotional is the normal state of mind. Anybody can be emotional at a given point of time. On the other hand, only people with pure mind and thought alone can be spiritual.
Emotional is related to the physical body. On the other hand, spiritual is related to the divine nature of the soul within the body. The word ‘spiritual’ is derived from the word ‘spirit’ that resides in every individual.
Spiritual leads to the equanimity of individuals and the tranquility of the mind. On the other hand, emotional feeling leads to the agitation of the mind and the disturbance caused in mental balance. Since emotional is all about being worldly it affects the other individuals as well. On the other hand, since spirituality is unworldly in nature it is experienced by the individual without affected the others.
Spirituality leads to religion. On the other hand, emotional feelings lead to friendship and enmity. Spiritual is nothing but the feeling of the existence of God within us. On the other hand, emotional behavior results in actions such as crying, shouting and lamenting. One who is spiritual can become a leader. On the other hand, one who is emotional cannot be withstand pleasure and pain.
Jim says
This article describes what they are but when you are actually experiencing the feelings how do you tell the difference?
Sway says
Feelings are feelings. They both come from the brain’s perception. This is why two people experiencing the same exact thing will have different feelings for it. So feelings are not “Truth.” They are mere ideas or beliefs that cannot be trusted. Spirituality is emotion, they are one in the same. Therefore, all made up in your own head – giving it your OWN bias of what something means to you.