SLST (Sri Lanka Standard Time) vs UTC
When it comes to time keeping in Sri Lanka, one should learn the difference between SLST and UTC. Sri Lanka has adopted UTC standard to set Sri Lanka’s Standard Time or SLST. Sri Lanka Standard Time is fixed as UTC + 5.30. This was accepted in their legislation through a gazette notification. Generally, a country time is set based on GMT standard and UTC is considered more asan internet based time standard and used by telecommunication networks globally. Sri Lanka came to the decision of basing their time on UTC after many changes that were done to the way the time was set in Sri Lanka over the times.
What is UTC?
The UTC or the Coordinated Universal Time is the time standard used for several Internet and World Wide Web standards. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is determined by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM). It is also the basis of the satellite global positioning system (GPS). UTC is used by the Network Time Protocol, created to synchronize the clocks of many computers over the Internet. The difference between Greenwich Mean Time and Coordinated Universal Time is measured in fractions of a second.
What is SLST?
Sri Lanka was following Indian Standard Time (IST) (UTC+5.30) in the past and by now has changed to Sri Lanka Standard Time (SLST). In 2011, the then President of Sri Lanka, President Mahinda Rajapaksa, declared this from 11th April 2011 midnight. SLST is also the same as IST, which is UTC + 5.30.
In the past too, Sri Lanka was following UTC time limits. However, in 1996, Sri Lanka Standard Time was changed to GMT+ 06:30 hours for daylight saving purposes. This was done in Sri Lanka due to a severe power shortage Sri Lanka was experiencing at the time. There were several hours of power cuts every day and to make matters easier for the citizens this method was followed. However, that is no longer in practice, and currently Sri Lanka is not following any daylight saving time.
By now, Sri Lanka Standard Time is being synchronized so as to minimize difficulties faced due to contradicting times being displayed by institutions and persons the government sources added.
In Sri Lanka, SLST is maintained under the section 6 of the Measurement Units, Standards and Services Act No.35 of 1995. Sri Lanka Standard Time (SLST) is available on
What is the difference between SLST (Sri Lanka Standard Time) and UTC?
• UTC is Coordinated Universal Time. SLST is Sri Lanka Standard Time.
• The difference between SLST and UTC is UTC + 5.30.
• Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is determined by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) and, in Sri Lanka, it is maintained under the section 6 of the Measurement Units, Standards and Services Act No.35 of 1995.
• Previously SLST was following IST ( Indian Standard Time), which is also UTC + 5.30.
Images Courtesy: UTC – 6 and UTC + 5.30 via Wikicommons (Public Domain)
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