Technical Writing vs Literary Writing
Technical and literary writing are two of the prominent writing styles used by authors depending upon the subject matter, the audience, and the purpose of writing. Writing is a form of communication but often a piece is written to appeal to just a category of readers rather than to the entire cross section of readers. If a piece of text is about something scientific in nature and requires use of technical specifications and other technical jargon, it is obvious that it will have a content and style far different from that used by a story teller. This is what the difference between technical writing and literary writing basically is. Let us take a closer look.
Technical Writing
Technical writing is a style of writing that is chosen by scientists and experts in technical subjects to describe a subject matter that contains technical words. As such, this style of writing is intended to be read by only those who have a specific interest in technical subjects. However, technical writing is not confined to technical or science subjects alone as a writer can choose to write anything in a technical manner. The basic aim of such writing is to inform as much as possible, and the writing is persuasive in nature as if pleading the reader to take some action.
If the writer has written on global warming as an expert presenting all scientific facts and figures, it is his intention to make the reader think about the grave situation of climate change and global warming. This essay will be full of scientific details, and the tone of writing is formal. The text is factual, and the writer tries to be as straight forward as possible with the length of the text being only as much as required. Technical writing is bound by standard formats, and the writer has very little freedom of expression.
Literary Writing
There are certain texts that are not necessary to read, but we read them as they entertain us or educate us in a writing style that is flowing and full of figure of speeches. Of course, literary writing also intends to educate, but the writers feel at a liberty to arouse the emotions of the readers.
Literary writing can be at times personal and very informal. The text is often lyrical or prosaic with a lot of flexibility at the disposal of the writer. Literary writing has an aesthetic appeal, and the writer takes care to make it enjoyable for the readers. There is no limitation of words in the case of literary writing, and this style of writing is very old.
What is the difference between Technical Writing and Literary Writing?
• The content and style of writing of technical writing is different from literary writing as the subjects chosen are vastly different
• The intended audiences of technical writing are academicians and experts whereas literary writing is for general readers
• The main purpose of technical writing is to inform and to implore action on the part of the readers whereas the main purpose of literary writing is to entertain and to arouse emotions
• Technical writing makes use of figures of speeches whereas technical writing is to the point and straight forward
• Technical writing is non-fiction whereas literary writing is mostly fiction
• Logic and reasoning dominate technical writing while humanism is the main characteristic of literary writing
Jefferson Villa says
helpful comparison thanks