Threw vs Through
There are groups of words in English language that can be very confusing for the learners of the language. Threw, through, thorough are words that belong to the group that creates problems for the learners because of similar pronunciations. However, there are clear distinctions between threw and through, and this article attempts to highlight their differences to enable readers to use threw and through correctly all the time.
Threw is used very commonly in English language to indicate the action verb of throwing. In fact, threw is its past tense and you use it when you have tossed up something in the air a little while ago. Threw is a verb, and you must use it only in situations where there was an action in the past. Take a look at the following examples to understand the meaning and usage of threw clearly.
• The fielder threw the ball at the end of the wicketkeeper.
• The goalkeeper threw the ball towards the defender to avoid the forwards of the opposing team.
• Helen took off the ring from her finger and threw it in a fit of rage at George.
Through is a preposition that is used to indicate the fact of getting inside something from one end and getting out from the other end. For example, the sunlight was coming through the dense leaves of the tree. Through also reflects the fact of travelling across a medium as in the air plane moving through the air at a high speed. The word is mostly used in reference to getting past a physical object (or an abstract one as in getting through exam or challenge).
Through is also used to indicate something or someone doing something from the beginning till the end as in reading through the book. One can even go through a door or through a security check at an airport.
Threw vs Through
• Threw and through are homophones as they have different spellings and different meanings but are pronounced similarly.
• Threw is the past tense of throw which is an action word (a verb).
• Through is a preposition that tells from beginning till the end, or across something.
• You go through the door, but you threw the ball up in the air
• Throw means to propel or toss up something in the air and threw is its past tense.
• Sunlight passes through the curtain and the leaves of the trees.
• Diana threw a kiss at me as she went through the door.
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