Time vs Money
Time and Money are two words in the English language that are used in terms of their value. Time is precious goes the saying. Both time and money can be spent. Both time and money differ in their nature.
In short it can be said that time once wasted can never return again. On the other hand money wasted or spent can be earned again. This is the big difference between time and money. It is believed that the value of money decreases by time. This is because of the increase in demand and the decrease in supply.
Money and time are interestingly related to each other. The more time you work the more money you can earn. Hence the saying goes time and tide waits for nobody. Time wasted is money wasted. Time invested is money invested.
Money can be earned whereas time cannot be purchased. Money is available with the rich and not with the poor. On the other hand time is common to everybody. The rich and the poor equally get time to do their things. It is up to them to make use of the valuable time.
Time is often compared to gold. Gold is precious and so too is time. Do not waste time since it is precious goes the saying. Money is the cause for happiness according to the materialists.
One of the primary differences between time and money is the fact that time is limited. You can have at the most only 24 hours in a day. On the other hand money can be unlimited or it can be said that earnings can be unlimited. Only sky is the limit for earning money. It depends on the hard work and perseverance that one earns money.
Whether you work hard or not, time is always limited. Hence it is considered precious.
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