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Difference Between Tourettes and Tics

Key Difference – Tourettes vs Tics

Tics are involuntary, repetitive movements and vocalizations. Any conditions with this sort of characteristics are collectively called the tic disorders. Tourettes is one such disorder that is characterized by the presence of more severe and frequent tics that last for more than a year.   The key difference between Tourettes and Tics is that Tic disorders include a spectrum of diseases categorized according to the severity and the duration of the symptoms while Tourettes are one such group of tic disorders.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What are Tics
3. What are Tourettes
4. Similarities Between Tourettes and Tics
5. Side by Side Comparison – Tourettes vs Tics in Tabular Form
6. Summary

What are Tics?

Involuntary, repetitive movements and vocalizations that deviate from the normal behavior are identified as tics. Depending on the duration of the symptoms and their severity tic disorders are divided into main three categories as

Transient Tic Disorder (TTD)

The exact cause of TTD has not been established, but several studies done on the subject indicate the possibility of a genetic influence. In addition, brain damage due to acquired causes such as depression may also have an impact on the initiation of the pathogenesis.

Chronic Tic Disorder

This category of tic disorders is characterized by the presence of brief spastic movements or phonic tics. The absence of coexistence of vocal and physical components in chronic tic disorder should be emphasized.

(Tourettes syndrome will be discussed under the heading “What is Tourettes”)


Abnormal behavioral patterns such as the frequent raising of the eye brows, repetitive movements of the limbs and making different noises repetitively are telltale signs that indicate the possibility of a tic disorder.

Figure 01: Tics


Rather surprisingly, there are no investigations that can be used for the diagnosis of tic disorders.Consequently, the diagnosis of these conditions solely depends on the clinical criteria.

For the diagnosis of TTD, all the criteria given below have to be fulfilled.

Diagnosis of chronic tic disorder is based on the following criteria


What are Tourettes?

Tourettes is a type of tic disorders that is characterized by the presence of more severe and frequent tics that last for more than a year.

This condition, like all the other forms of tic disorders, is not completely curable. But there are extremely effective treatments to control the symptoms that can enable the patient to lead a normal life.


Symptoms are similar to those of the other tic disorders: that is, abnormal behavioral patterns such as the frequent raising of the eye brows, repetitive movements of the limbs and making different noises repetitively.


Diagnosis is based on the presence of criteria mentioned below


Drugs that are given in this condition aim at minimizing the levels of certain neurotransmitters whose excess is the cause of neuronal overactivity that gives rise to tics.

Drugs such as haloperidol decrease the level of dopamine. Antidepressants, anti-epileptic drugs and botulin toxin in low doses are also prescribed sometimes.

Figure 2: Brain Areas Implicated in Tourettes Syndrome

What is the Similarity Between Tourettes and Tics?

What is the Difference Between Tourettes and Tics?

Tourettes vs Tics

Tourettes is a type of tic disorder that is characterized by the presence of more severe and frequent tics that last for more than a year. Tics are involuntary, repetitive movements and vocalizations.
Factors Affecting the Process
Tourettes are one group of tic disorders. Tic disorders include a spectrum of diseases categorized according to the severity and the duration of the symptoms.

Summary – Tourettes vs Tics

Tics usually appear during the childhood and gradually subside when the patient reaches the teen age. Sometimes the symptoms are mild and not disturbingly apparent. In such a scenario, treatments are not necessary. The presence of severe symptoms can affect the social life of the patient and can be the reason for psychiatric disorders such as depression. Therefore, the correct interpretation of the severity of the symptoms and the patient’s opinion on the necessity of the treatments must be given priority during the management.

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1. Kumar, Parveen J., and Michael L. Clark. Kumar & Clark clinical medicine. Edinburgh: W.B. Saunders, 2009. Print.

Image courtesy:

1. “Image from page 818 of “Traité des torticolis spasmodiques, spasmes, tics, rythmies du cou, torticolis mental, etc.” (1907)” by Internet Archive Book Images (No Known Copyright Restrictions) via Flickr
2. “Brain areas implicated in Tourette syndrom” By Badseed utilizing the work of Leevanjackson and John Henkel (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia