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Difference Between Undergraduate and Postgraduate

Undergraduate vs Postgraduate

Undergraduate and Postgraduate are two words that are used differently in terms of their characteristics and their qualifications, as there is a distinct difference between them. An undergraduate is the one who has just passed out his school board examinations and has taken up an undergraduate course in a college or a university. In other words, as the Oxford English dictionary says, an undergraduate is a university student, who has not yet taken a first degree. On the other hand, a postgraduate is one that has completed his first degree in a subject and is following another course after the first degree. This postgraduate course can be a diploma or another degree.

Who is an Undergraduate?

An undergraduate enters a college or a university for the first time. An undergraduate has to study a few allied or related subjects during the course of study. An undergraduate has to study for a minimum period of three years to complete his graduation. An undergraduate has to complete the first degree in the concerned subject in order to get registered for the research degree in the subject. It is because you can go for a research degree only if you are a postgraduate. An undergraduate learns the basics of a subject in the course of his study. An undergraduate has to complete the first graduate degree in order to get employment and build up his career. When it comes to undergraduate degrees, close guidance is given by the lecturers. Also, the fee for an undergraduate degree can be high since it is the first degree.

Who is a Postgraduate?

Entering the premises of a college or a university is not a first time experience for a postgraduate. A postgraduate needs not study allied subjects during the course of his study. Instead he would concentrate only on the main or the major subject. Moreover, a postgraduate has to study for a period of two years to complete his post graduation in the subject of his choice. However, this is when we are considering a postgraduate degree such as Masters. When it is a postgraduate diploma the course time can be just 12 months or in other words, a year. The postgraduate degree can be a Masters degree or a research degree. Either way, you can register for any if you already have the first degree and you meet the qualifications of the university that offers you the degree. Also, a postgraduate already has an idea about the subject he chooses as he has already completed his first degree. A postgraduate can also directly apply for the jobs of his choice and build up his career. When it comes to postgraduate degrees, teacher supervision is minimal. You can say it is a self-study. However, you can ask for help from lecturers. Fee of a postgraduate can be less than a first degree.

What is the difference between Undergraduate and Postgraduate?

• An undergraduate is the one who has just passed out his school board examinations and has taken up an undergraduate course in a college or a university. In other words, an undergraduate is a university student, who has not yet taken a first degree.

• A postgraduate is one that has completed his first degree in a subject and is following another course after the first degree. This postgraduate course can be a diploma or another degree.

• Close guidance is given for undergraduates while postgraduates have an independent study environment.

• Minimum three years is required to complete an undergraduate degree. The postgraduate study period depends on the course you select. For a degree, it can be two years. For a diploma, one year.

• Research degrees can be followed only by postgraduates.


Images Courtesy:

  1. Undergraduate by Mathematical Association of America (CC BY-ND 2.0)