Union vs League
Difference between union and league should be understood with care as union and league are two words that are often confused as words denoting the same meaning. They are not so. Union and league are two different words with two different senses. Union is always used as a noun while league is sometimes used as a verb too. As a noun league has two definitions and one of them refers to a former measure of distance by land. Moreover, league has its origins in Late Middle English while union too has its origin in Late Middle English.
What does Union mean?
The word union refers to a group of people and hence is used as if it is a plural form as in the sentences given below.
The union are very optimistic.
The union are full of enthusiasm.
In both the sentences given above, you can see that the word union is used as if it is a plural form. This kind of usage prevails in the Great Britain or the British English. As a result, you will see that a green line appears under union and are when you type the sentence in Microsoft word as this use of union is only accepted in British English.
On the other hand, the word union is used as a singular noun only in American English. The sentences given above will appear in the following manner when used in American English.
The union is very optimistic.
The union is full of enthusiasm.
The word union indicates a whole resulting from the combination of the units or members. The totality of members who have the same line of thinking and goals is called a union.
What does League mean?
On the other hand, the word league should be used carefully and sensibly. It refers to a collection of people, countries or groups for that matter that have combined for a specific purpose with the intention of cooperation. This is one of the main differences between the two words, namely, a union and a league.
A league sometimes refers to the type of agreement to combine in the way discussed above. Sometimes the word league refers to a group of sports clubs that compete over a span of time in a tournament or championship. The word league is interestingly used as a verb too in the formation of words such as leagues, leagued and leaguing. It is interesting to note that the word league is often followed by the word together.
What is the difference between Union and League?
• The word union refers to a group of people and hence is used as if it is a plural form.
• However, this considering union as a plural noun and keeping the subject as plural is only accepted in British English.
• In American English, union is considered a singular noun.
• On the other hand, league refers to a collection of people, countries or groups for that matter that have combined for a specific purpose with the intention of cooperation.
• Sometimes the word league refers to a group of sports clubs that compete over a span of time in a tournament or championship.
• The word league is interestingly used as a verb too.
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