Vegemite vs Marmite
Vegemite and Marmite are two kinds of yeast extracts that show some differences between them. One of the main differences between vegemite and marmite is that vegemite is more salty in taste, whereas marmite is not that much salty in taste. It is interesting to note that both of them use caramel for dark coloring. They are both very popular in each part of the world where they are used. One can use vegemite or marmite to prepare delicious toast that is not only tasty but also healthy. They have a lot of nutrition to offer as well. Let us see more information about each food product.
What is Marmite?
Marmite is a yeast extract spread that was introduced in 1902 to the world byJustus von Liebig. Marmite has yeast extract, salt, vegetable extract, spice extracts, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, folic acid, celery extract and Vitamin B12. It is a good content of vitamin B. Marmite comes in two versions as the British Version, which is also the original version, and the New Zealand version that is popular in Australia and the Pacific. The British version of marmite is now produced by Unilever Company. The Sanitarium Health Food Company is the makers of marmite in New Zealand, Australia, and the Pacific. It has to be understood that the marmite made in New Zealand is different from the one made in the United Kingdom. This is due to the fact that the makers of marmite in the UK add vegetable bits and other eatables too in the preparation of marmite and the taste too is different.
An important difference between the New Zealand version of marmite and vegemite is that marmite is comparatively sweeter. It is also darker than vegemite. As a matter of fact, vegemite eaters are happy with marmite too. The converse may not be true. In other words, it can be said that marmite eaters are not too comfortable with vegemite. They considered it as very much flavored.
What is Vegemite?
Vegemite is also a yeast extract spread that is very much popular, especially in Australia. Vegemite is made by Kraft General Foods NZ Ltd, a multinational food company. It is also manufactured by Kraft Foods Ltd, in Melbourne, Australia. The ingredients used in the production of vegemite are yeast extract, salt, caramel, malt extract and natural flavor. Vegemite is also rich in vitamin B. People use vegemite for sandwiches, toast, cracker biscuits, etc.
What is the difference between Vegemite and Marmite?
Both Marmite and Vegemite are yeast extract spreads that people use to apply on their toast to make them tastier. However, there is some difference between them in texture and taste.
• Place of Origin:
• Marmite originated in Britain.
• Vegemite originated in Australia.
• Different Brands:
• The original British brand is now produced by the Unilever Company. In the meantime, a modified version is produced by The Sanitarium Health Food Company and this version is distributed in Australia and the Pacific.
• Vegemite is produced in Australia by Kraft General Foods NZ Ltd, a multinational food company.
• Ingredients:
• Marmite has yeast extract, salt, sugar, herb extract, spice extract, mineral salt (potassium chloride), caramel III, corn malt dextrin, mineral (iron), thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, folic acid, and Vitamin B12. Marmite is rich in vitamin B.
• The ingredients used in the production of vegemite are yeast extract, salt, caramel, malt extract, thiamin B1, riboflavin B2, niacin B3, folate, and natural flavor. Vegemite is also rich in vitamin B and almost free of fat.
• Taste:
• Marmite British version is salty in flavor while Marmite New Zealand version carries a taste that is not salty as the original version.
• Vegemite is also salty, but bit less.
• Energy:
• Marmite1(45KJ per 4g serve) provides more energy per serve than Vegemite2(40kJ per 5g serve).
• Folic Acid:
• Marmite (100µg per 4g serve) has more Folic acid than Vegemite(100µg per 5g serve).
• Sugar:
• Marmite (<0.5 g per 4g serve) has less sugar than Vegemite (<1g per 5g serve).
These are the major differences between vegemite and marmite. As you can see, these are both very good food items that have nutritional value as well. Both of them are pretty good on toast. They are ideal for vegetarians or vegans as these are complete vegetarian products. However, we should remember that the preference for either is very much personal.
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