Viber vs Tango
Viber and Tango are VoIP applications that are used to make free calls among users via Internet from smart phones. Viber is available only for iPhones at the moment but Tango is available for iPhones as well as android phones. Viber is only having voice call and Tango supports voice as well as video call. A recent comment made by a Viber development team member to indicates that Viber is going to release Free SMS kind of service later this month.
Viber is a VoIP application that allows you to make free calls to users who have Viber installed on their phones. At the moment iPhone users can download Viber from apple store and install on their iPhones. One good thing on this application is, instead of going through long registration, it uses your mobile number as username and registers automatically and will drop a verification code to confirm your number.
This application uses the same address book in your smart phone and shows a tag against contacts if they are registered Viber users. Then you can call them for free but it will use your data plan. Viber users could be anywhere in the world if they are connected to internet.
Only considerable advantage on Viber is, it’s synchronized with smart phone address book contacts and uses your mobile number as username. On the other hand it has disadvantages too in the sense; some people do not want to send their mobile number for privacy issues.
Tango is a voice over IP (Multimedia) application that allows you to make free calls to users who have Tango installed on their phones. At the moment couple of listed phone (Apple and Android) users can download Tango from app store and install on their phones. One good thing in this application is, instead of going through long registration, it uses your mobile number as username and registers automatically. (Estimated min time as per official website is 5 S)
This application uses the same address book in your phone or device and show a tag against contacts if they are registered Tango. Then you can call them for free but it will use your data plan. Tango users could be anywhere in the world, only they have to be connected to internet via 3G or Wi-Fi.
Considerable advantage on Tango is, it’s synchronized with phone book contacts and uses your mobile number as username. On the other hand it has disadvantages too in the context of privacy. And Video call cameras could be swapped while talking.
(1) Viber and Tango both are VoIP multimedia applications used in smart phones to make free calls among users but, Viber offers voice calls only whereas Tango offers Voice and Video calling.(Face to Face Calling) (2) Viber and Tango both uses easy registration process by using mobile number as the username for logging in. (3) Viber and Tango both synchronize with phone address book and place tags against the users who also have the same application. Which enable us to easily identify friends and family who has the same application and make free calls to them via Viber or Tango. (4) Tango didn’t reveal anything about SMS but in a recent comment to from Viber Team reveals that they offer free SMS and will come into place by late this month. (5) Even though Viber and Tango offers free call, both uses the mobile data usage and both works in Wi-Fi as well. |
Viber for iPhone
Tango VoIP Calling
This is a member of the Viber Development Team!
Thank you for your review of Viber. we are very happy that so many people worldwide are interested in our application.
I would just like to add that Viber will be available for Android in March.
Also – Viber will have an SMS (text messaging) service at the end of February. Of course, also for free!
If you have any question about Viber – please feel free to ask.
the Viber Team.
Hi Viber Team,
Its excellent product. When you will introduce A-Z calling ? And PC application?
Hi Viber Team,
Its excellent product. When you will introduce A-Z calling ? And PC application?
Hi Viber Team,
Its excellent product. When you will introduce A-Z calling ? And PC application?
Hi Viber Team,
Its excellent product. When you will introduce A-Z calling ? And PC application?
What exactly do you mean A-Z calling?
and about Viber for PC – this is something we plan in the future, but we have other devices prioritized first (Android, Blackberry, Symbian…)
A-Z means calling all the countries landlines and mobiles. Basically calling any phones.
A-Z means calling all the countries landlines and mobiles. Basically calling any phones.
This is a future feature we plan to introduce in the future, but since Viber is a very young app, naturally it won’t happen soon.
We’ll keep our users posted 🙂
Is Viber not ready for iOS 4.3 for Apple, Because if Tags wrongly aginst the names in address book? or some bug in address book tagging method?
Please explain the bug you are experiencing in greater detail.
I had full list of address book but some how I lost the address book (got deleted), then I sync my iPhone with outlook and got the old address book (3 months old). But the Viber Tags are tagged against the wrong name and wrong phone numbers. When I call one of the buddy in viber address book , I could not call since that number belongs to some one else. Please have a look.
Anyway thank you for introducing SMS services. Really love it. When we can expect MMS kind of Service to send photos?
We will look into this issue.
I recommend you to post a message in our Support Forums in the meanwhile explaining this issue.
Regarding the MSS-like service – it will be available in one of our next versions (2.1 probably)
When will Viber work on mini ipad in wifi or any new ipad???
Viber currently does not officially support iPads, but it can work on most iPads (you can find it on AppStore).
We plan to release a fully compatible version for iPads, but we unfortunately we are not yet sure when this will happen.
Does Viber still not support Video calls?
And is it still not available for Android?
Viber Desktop supports video calls, however Viber on mobile does not at the moment.
If we have any news on videocalls coming to mobile, we’ll keep you posted.
Ok, thanks.. So it does not support on Android?
Not at the moment, no.