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Difference Between Vintage Fit and Classic Fit

Key Difference – Vintage Fit vs Classic Fit

Vintage fit and classic fit are the terms often used by clothing companies to classify their merchandise, most especially their t-shirts. The key differnce between vitange fit and classic fit is their fitting; Classic fit clothes will hang loosely around the body, without being too baggy. Vintage fit clothes will drape your body snugly without being too tight.

What is Vintage Fit?

Vintage, by definition, refers to dated or rather old things; it’s more associated with a certain age in the past. Clothes having a vintage fit will be somewhat slimmer, shorter and more fitting than a regular fit In a way, it sort of “hugs” the body, without being too tight. For shirts with a vintage fit, it will likely have smaller shoulders. The vintage fit is also known as slim fit or retro-fit.

If you want to accentuate your body shape, then you should opt for the vintage fit. It is more conformed to the body shape, and is, therefore, tighter than the classic fit.

What is Classic Fit?

Classic is defined as being timeless and recognizable even through the years; it has been branded as becoming a standard value. The classic fit is generally loose (not baggy) and wide. A lot of customers find it more comfortable because it doesn’t restrict the body. Classic is basically looser and allows for a wider range of customers to fit in it.  If you are more comfortable with clothing that doesn’t hug your body, then you are better off with the classic fit.

What is the difference between Vintage Fit and Classic Fit?

Vintage Fit vs Classic Fit

Vintage fit clothes will drape your body snugly without being too tight. Classi fit clothes will hang loosely around the body without being too baggy.
Body Type
Vintage fit is ideal for those with slim waists or body types such as slim, skinny or slender. Classic fit is good for people with average body types and people with muscular or beefy bodies.
Regular fit clothes have more room, so it can be more comfortable. Slim fit clothes may not be as comfortable as regular fit clothes.

Image Courtesy: 

“Jared Leto – 66ème Festival de Venise” By Nicolas Genin – originally posted to Flickr as 66ème Festival de Venise (Mostra) (CC BY-SA 2.0) via Commons Wikimedia

“1772029” (Public Domain) via Pixabay