Water vs Vinegar
Water and vinegar are two liquids that are very different. Aside from their physical properties, their chemical make-up is also very different. Without a doubt, water and vinegar are very useful, but their uses are different. Just how different?
Water is an abundant resource on Earth, covering about 71% of the Earth’s surface. It is an important resource to man, as man cannot live without clean drinking water. Water is also considered as a universal solvent and this property is being used in various chemical processes in many industries. Water is also the only compound to exist in all three states of matter; solid, liquid and gas.
Vinegar is an acidic liquid made from the fermentation of ethanol in a process that produces its key ingredient: acetic acid. Vinegar is actually part water and part acetic acid. Vinegar has been around a long time, its roots could be traced back to ancient Egypt. It is used mostly for culinary purposes, although it has medicinal and cleaning properties as well.
Difference between water and vinegar
Water and vinegar are very common and very useful liquids. Both are useful in cooking, but water has more uses and are used almost every day in our lives. Water, however, is odorless and tasteless while vinegar has a strong odor and is mostly sour. Water is also generally pH balanced while vinegar is acidic. While water can exist in three states of matter, vinegar is only liquid. It does, however, have different kinds: table vinegar, cane vinegar and balsamic vinegar, to name a few. Also, water has this abnormal characteristic that it becomes less dense in solid form, allowing it to float.
Water has always been an important part of our daily lives, and is important for our survival. Even vinegar has its importance, not only does it helps in our cooking; it also has other uses like in first aid or in cleaning.
In brief: • Water is a naturally abundant compound, covering 71% of the Earth’s surface. It is important for man’s survival. It is considered as a universal solvent and is used in various processes. • Vinegar is a mix of acetic acid and water. Its primary use is in cooking, but it can also be used in cleaning and as first aid in some cases. |
vinegar and water together , which will act as wetting phase