Weight Loss vs Fat Loss
Weight Loss and Fat Loss are two terms that are used interchangeably by many people though they are not the same. Human body is composed of bone, muscles, fat, connective tissues, and water. In fact, 60 percent of the body weight is water!!. Every human should maintain the body weight in a desired range. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a calculation to determine the desired weight of the human body. BMI is based on the person’s height and weight.
In weight loss, the content of the water, muscle mass, and other tissues may be lost. Sudden loss of weight is not good for health. Sudden weight loss may be due to disease conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes, cancer, or HIV. In these conditions, the proteins break down and the medical professionals call this as negative nitrogen balance. (proteins contain the nitrogen). Following a major surgery, the body weight may be lost due to tissue loss.
Adipose tissue is the fat collector in the body. When a person consumes high calorie diet, the excess energy will be stored as fat in the adipose tissue. The fat cells cannot be destroyed. Even with the dieting, the collection of fat will be utilised, but the fat cells remains alive. When the diet contain high calorie food items, the fat cells will be filled again. Lipo suction is a method of removing the fat tissue by sucking them out. In this method, the amount of fat cells will be reduced.
In summary,
• Body weight is determined by genetics, nutrition, and the amount of work carried out by individuals. • Fat loss is losing fat by dieting or surgical methods. • Weight loss may be an indication of a disease condition. • Sudden loss of weight is not good for the health. • Maintaining the body weight within a desired range is vital for the health rather than cosmetic reasons. |
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