Why vs Because
Why and Because are two words that are often confused when it comes to their usage and meanings. Strictly speaking, there is difference between their usages and meanings. The word ‘why’ is normally used in questions or interrogative sentences. On the other hand, the word ‘because’ is used as a conjunction to join two different but closely related sentences. This is the main difference between the two words, namely, why and because.
Take a look at the two sentences,
1. Why do you go from here?
2. Why does Francis say like that?
In both the sentences, the word ‘why’ is used as a word denotative of a question. It is interesting to note that the sentence that starts with the word ‘why’ often ends with the punctuation mark of a question. Both the sentences given above begin with the word ‘why’ and hence, both of them end with question mark.
On the other hand, the word ‘because’ is used as conjunction in the following examples.
1. Angela did not go to school today because she is ill.
2. Francis did not write the letter today because he did not have time to write it.
In both the sentences, the word ‘because’ is used as a conjunction to join two sentences. It tells the reason why Angela did not go to school, and why Francis did not write the letter respectively. Thus, it can be seen from the examples given above that the word ‘because’ answers the question ‘why?’ Thus, there is a close relationship between the two words, although there is difference between their usages.
It is important to know that a sentence cannot begin with the word ‘because’. On the other hand, a sentence can begin with the word ‘why’. These are the differences between the two words.
Because I didn’t know the difference between “because” and “why”, I found this site.