Wildlife Biology vs Zoology
The field of wildlife biology has been a common home for most of the zoologists, as they can directly apply what they learnt in zoology. Both these fields of study are much related to each other, but the differences between those are also prevailing and easy to understand. Sometimes, there are instances claiming that wildlife biology is a part of zoology, but some people state that it is the other way around. Therefore, it would be of great importance to find out what really are these fields.
Wildlife Biology
As it sounds, wildlife biology is the science of studying about wild animals, plants, and other biologically important entities. Wildlife biology is highly related with ecology. In fact, there is only a narrow gap between ecology and wildlife biology. An artificial ecosystem has its implications with ecology, but it must have to be a wild ecosystem in order to deal with wildlife biology. However, all the wildlife biologists must know about most of the things about ecology, as those directly apply in the field. Since the natural ecosystems are composed of animals and plants, the studies of both zoology and botany have direct applications with wildlife biology. In addition, the animals and pants with other components of the environment collectively form ecosystems; those are wildlife assemblages. Studies on these assemblages demand the knowledge of zoology, botany, and ecology. However, sympathizing about the loss of biodiversity has been mostly focusing the animals; hence, the zoologists have mostly invaded the field of wildlife biology. Wildlife management is an important application of wildlife biology, and the most of the wildlife biologists are managers of wildlife reserves.
Zoology is the science of studying about animals, which is a branch of biology. In zoology, the scientific classification or taxonomy, embryology, entomology, herpetology, mammalian biology, physiology, anatomy, ecology, behavioural biology or ethology, animal distribution, evolution, and many other countless number of fields are studied. The 16th century Swiss naturalist Conrad Gessner is highly respected for his book of Historiae animalium as it triggered the modern zoology. However, the field of zoology was developed as a separate one from biology after the time of Aristotle and Galen. The work of Carl Linnaeus was instrumental in correctly classifying the animals according to the distinguished kingdoms and phyla. The blockbuster launch of the book Origin of Species by Charles Darwin in 1859 created the fields of Palaeontology ad Embryology, as it provided new dimensions to study everything related to biology and zoology. According to the basic understanding about zoology, animals are the organisms that could move in the physical environment, and that moving ability itself has offered a great fascination to the scientists through the behavioural biology. No one would ever be able to understand the natural world with sense and interest without studying the animals.
What is the difference between Wildlife Biology and Zoology? • Wildlife biology is incorporated with many other fields of study while zoology is one of those fields. • Wildlife biology studies about both animals and plants in the natural ecosystem while zoology is primarily related with the animals. • Zoology can be applied into many conditions such as laboratory, natural environment, interior or exterior of animal bodies, etc. whereas wildlife biology is purely applied into wild conditions.
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