Zoom vs Telephoto
Modern cameras are wonderful in the sense that they allow users to capture images of far off or distant objects such as a bird perched atop a branch of a tree or far away mountains. Photographer can magnify the image of the object he wishes to capture using lenses depending upon his requirements. For this purpose two techniques are used namely zoom and telephoto and both are commonly used in modern cameras. This article will explain the differences between these two methods of capturing images of distant objects.
What is Telephoto?
Telephoto is a term used to refer to arrangement of lenses to achieve greater magnification of a distant object than is possible with simple lenses. These are special lenses that are designed to shoot from a distance and so they cannot be used to shoot nearby objects.
Telephoto lenses are large and expensive, and because they have limited uses, they are not very popular with common people. However, professionals make use of these lenses to have a perfect photo of a distant object. These are of great aid to photographers who capture sports pictures as they can take some great photos sitting outside the field in a soccer or rugby game. Wildlife photographers also make use of these telephoto lenses. There is a special variety of telephoto lenses that have variable focal lengths, being referred to as telephoto zoom lenses.
What is Zoom?
Zoom on the other hand is an essential feature in modern cameras as often photographers do not get the desired spot to take a photo. Zoom as a feature can be optical where there is a moving mechanism inside the camera to move the lens to get the desired focal length, or it can be digital where this magnification is done with the help of software. The software manipulates the image but also results in loss of image quality.
Zoom lenses are more versatile, and can be used in just about any application. They are lighter and smaller and are also within the budget of amateur photographers. They allow a photographer to be more creative and provide sharp images of far off objects.
Difference between Zoom and Telephoto • Zoom lenses have small focal lengths whereas telephoto lenses have large focal lengths • Telephoto lenses stay in their place and can shoot far away objects whereas zoom lenses can move in and out to make far objects closer. • Zoom is a generic term used to refer to any lens that can have various focal lengths. • It is possible to have a combination of telephoto and zoom lenses • Zoom feature is commonly available in all modern cameras whereas telephoto lenses are additional and used by professional photographers • Telephoto lenses are large and expensive whereas zoom lenses are smaller and cheaper.
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