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What is the Difference Between Bone Mass and Bone Density

The key difference between bone mass and bone density is that bone mass is the mineral content in the bone, while bone density is the mass of minerals per unit volume of bone.

Bone mass and bone density are two associated terms. Most people begin to lose bone mass after they reach peak bone density at about the age of 30 years. Bone mass and bone density are very important measurements in the determination of bone quality. Moreover, both bone mass and bone density are very good indicators of diagnosis of osteoporosis and osteopenia.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Bone Mass  
3. What is Bone Density
4. Similarities – Bone Mass and Bone Density
5. Bone Mass vs. Bone Density in Tabular Form
6. FAQ – Bone Mass and Bone Density
7. Summary – Bone Mass vs. Bone Density

What is Bone Mass?

Bone mass is the bone tissue in the skeleton. Bone mass is mostly the predicted weight of the bone mineral in the body. It can be measured by the amount of X-ray energy that is absorbed by the mineral content in the bone. For a female with a body weight of <50kg, the predicted bone mass is 1.95 kg. On the other hand, for a male with a body weight of <65kg, the predicted bone mass is 2.65 kg.

Bone usually becomes thinner as people grow older. Through this process, the bones lose minerals, mass, and structure. This makes bones weaker and increases the risk of breakage. Moreover, most people lose their bone mass after they reach the age of about 30 years at the peak bone density. Furthermore, low bone can result in health conditions such as osteopenia and osteoporosis. Bone mass can be maintained at a normal level by lifestyle habits such as adequate calcium intake and vitamin D intake, including physical activities in the daily routine and avoiding substance use.

What is Bone Density?

Bone density refers to the mineral mass per unit volume of the bones. Normally, a person with low bone mass has low bone density, while a person with high bone mass has higher bone density. Low bone density may increase the risk of osteoporosis, osteopenia, and bone fractures. Moreover, bone density can be measured by tests such as the central DXA test or central dual-energy and x-ray absorptiometry.

Bone density can be measured by eating food that supports bone health, such as calcium, vitamin D, and protein daily. Dairy, leafy green vegetables, fish and fortified juices, milk, and grains are normally good sources of calcium. People can consume vitamin D supplements to maintain vitamin D levels as well.

What are the Similarities Between Bone Mass and Bone Density?

What is the Difference Between Bone Mass and Bone Density?

Bone mass is the mineral content in the bone, while bone density is the mass of mineral per unit volume of bone. Thus, this is the key difference between bone mass and bone density. Furthermore, bone mass is expressed in Kg, while bone density is expressed in mass per unit volume or g/cm2. If someone has low bone mass, it means they also have low bone density. Bone mass affects bone strength, and bone density tells us about bone health and the risk of fractures.

The infographic below presents the differences between bone mass and bone density in tabular form for side-by-side comparison.

FAQ: Bone Mass and Bone Density

Is low bone mass the same as low bone density?

If a person has a low bone mass, his bone density is also low.

How do I calculate my bone mass?

To calculate your bone mass, you typically need a specialized medical imaging test, like a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan. It’s usually performed by a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or radiologist.

What happens if bone mass is low?

If bone mass is low, there is a risk of osteoporosis.

Summary – Bone Mass vs. Bone Density

Certain conditions or diseases called bone diseases can affect bone strength and flexibility and result in health complications. Bone mass and bone density are extremely important measurements in demining bone diseases. Bone mass is the mineral content in the bone, while bone density is the mass of mineral per unit volume of bone. So, this is the summary of the difference between bone mass and bone density.


1. Kranioti, Elena F, et al. “Bone-Mineral Density: Clinical Significance, Methods of Quantification.” Research and Reports in Forensic Medical Science, Dove Press.
2. “Bone Mass.” ScienceDirect Topics.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Bone Density Scan” (CC0) via PIXFree
2. “615 Age and Bone Mass DE” By Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site, Jun 19, 2013. – OpenStax College (CC BY 3.0) via Commons Wikimedia