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What is the Difference Between Education and Intelligence

The key difference between education and intelligence is that education is the process of facilitating learning, attainment of skills, attitudes, values, and habits using methods like teaching and discussions, whereas intelligence is the capacity for learning, acquisition, planning, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving.

Although both education and intelligence deal with knowledge, there are several differences between education and intelligence.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Education 
3. What is Intelligence
4. Education vs Intelligence in Tabular Form
5. Summary – Education vs Intelligence

What is Education?

Education refers to the process of giving knowledge to someone and at the same time receiving knowledge from someone. Methods like teaching, training, and discussions are used to disseminate knowledge. Although there are proper institutes like schools and universities to deliver education, education can be given in informal settings like home and society. That means education can be given in both formal and informal settings.

Generally, education takes place under the guidance of well-trained and qualified teachers and educators. Most countries around the world have made education compulsory up to a certain age limit. Some countries also offer free education to their citizens. Education can be categorized under stages as primary education, secondary education, and tertiary education. Thus, the expected skills of students are focused on each stage specifically. Moreover, educational policies and reforms are updated and revised from time to time in order to give quality education to the students. Education focuses on all the skills and values students are focused need, and students have the freedom to question what they learn.

What is Intelligence?

Intelligence refers to the ability to observe and deduce knowledge accordingly and recall that knowledge to be used according to the context. Furthermore, it highlights the capacity for learning, planning, acquisition, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

Intelligence is not only observed within human beings but also in animal beings. Human intelligence is considered the intellectual power of humans. Intelligence is different from learning because intelligence refers to the potential ability to perform an action or series of actions. There are different ways of measuring the intelligence of human beings as well as animal beings. One such method to measure the intelligence level of human beings is Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test. People who score high marks for IQ tests have high IQ levels.

There are two views about the origin of intelligence. One view is that intelligence is hereditary and that it comes from birth. The other view is that intelligence is environmental. Hereditary intelligence refers to the intelligence received from birth, and it does not grow. Environmental intelligence refers to the intelligence received from the environment where the person lives.

What is the Difference Between Education and Intelligence?

The key difference between education and intelligence is that education is a process of learning, whereas intelligence refers to the capacity for learning, acquisition, planning, and critical thinking. Although intelligence is a natural and innate ability that people are born with, education helps in different ways to improve the innate intelligence of human beings. The other major difference between education and intelligence is that education depends on external resources like teachers, tutors, and books, whereas intelligence refers to internal abilities and skills that humans have naturally.

Below is a summary of the difference between education and intelligence in tabular form for side by side comparison.

Summary – Education vs Intelligence

The key difference between education and intelligence is that education is the process of facilitating learning, attainment of skills, attitudes, values, and habits using different methods like teaching, whereas intelligence refers to the innate and natural ability for learning, acquisition, planning, creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving.


1. “Intelligence.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Feb. 2022.
2. “Education.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Feb. 2022.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Graduation, book, education, studying, school, study, learn, knowledge, learning, university, class, creativity, hat, academic, cap, tools, equipment, classroom ,teaching” (CC0) via Pxhere
2. “Artificial-intelligence-brain-think” (CC0) via Pixabay