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What is the Difference Between Law of Attraction and Law of Assumption

The key difference between law of attraction and law of assumption is that law of attraction is about positive thoughts giving positive experiences and negative thoughts giving negative experiences, whereas law of assumption is about manifesting what you want by assuming that you already have it.

Both these laws are about the same concepts but with different techniques. By practicing the law of attraction, you can receive positive results in all aspects of your life. However, the law of assumption is more specific than the law of attraction. Using this precise method, you can manifest what you desire or a specific outcome you want and receive it.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is the Law of Attraction
3. What is the Law of Assumption
4. Law of Attraction vs Law of Assumption in Tabular Form
5. Summary – Law of Attraction vs Law of Assumption

What is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction is a concept that proposes positive thoughts bring positive rewards while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. It states that thoughts are energies that attract success or failure in relationships, health, finances, and other aspects of life, depending on whether they are positive or negative. The law of attraction became popular with Rhonda Byrne’s book ‘The Secret.’ In fact, it is considered one of the twelve universal laws of the hermetic philosophy.

There are several universal principles in the law of attraction. Some of these are as follows:

According to the law of attraction, you create your own reality. Therefore, what you believe, will happen in your life. However, the law of attraction will not give immediate solutions to your life problems.

To include the law of attraction in your life, there are several practices that you can adopt. One is to regularly visualize your goals, imagining them as if they have already been achieved. Another is to cultivate gratitude and maintain an optimistic outlook. Affirmations can also be helpful, as they reinforce positive beliefs and can counteract negative self-talk. Additionally, it’s important to identify any negative thought patterns or behaviors and reframe them in a positive light.

Journaling can be a useful tool in this process, as it allows you to reflect on your thoughts and emotions and gain clarity on your goals. Practicing acceptance is also important, as it helps you to let go of resistance and accept things as they are. Engaging in positive self-talk can help you to maintain a positive mindset, and creating visual reminders (such as vision boards or affirmations written on sticky notes) can help to keep you motivated and focused on your goals.

What is the Law of Assumption?

The law of assumption is a concept in manifestation that suggests that you must assume and believe that your desires and wishes have already been fulfilled in order to attract them into your life. It is all about the perception you create since it is about tricking your mind into thinking that you already have what you desire. Therefore, this law is more about your state of mind than your action.

The law of assumption was founded by Neville Goddard, and his idea about the law of assumption is to imagine ahead of the evidence. When you practice the law of assumption, you should keep aside your limiting thoughts and doubts. It doesn’t matter if your current situation does not match Your imagination. Our imagination is more powerful, and so if you steadily imagine something, it will turn into a reality.

What is the Difference Between Law of Attraction and Law of Assumption?

The key difference between law of attraction and law of assumption is that the law of attraction is about positive thoughts giving positive experiences and negative thoughts giving negative experiences, while the law of assumption is about manifesting what you want by assuming that you already have it. Moreover, the law of assumption is more specific than the law of attraction.

Below is a summary of the difference between law of attraction and law of assumption in tabular form for side-by-side comparison.

Summary – Law of Attraction vs Law of Assumption

The law of attraction is a philosophy that suggests positive thoughts bring positive rewards and negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. By using this method, you can gain positive results in all areas of your life. This is about attracting experiences and people similar to your energy and involves free will. The law of assumption is a way of manifesting your desires by having a state of mind that those desires and wishes have been fulfilled. This is more specific and is based on assumptions. According to this law, there is no higher power since nothing happens outside your consciousness. Thus, this is the summary of the difference between law of attraction and law of assumption.


1. “Understanding and Using the Law of Attraction.” Very Well Mind.
2. “The Law Of Assumption -The Secret To Manifesting.” Daily Dish.

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