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What is the Difference Between Magnesium Dihydrate and Magnesium Trihydrate

The key difference between magnesium dihydrate and magnesium trihydrate is that magnesium dihydrate contains two water molecules with a magnesium cation and magnesium trihydrate contains three water molecules with a magnesium cation.

Magnesium dihydrate and magnesium trihydrate are two important inorganic compounds that are used as a medication for relieving conditions regarding acidity in the stomach.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Magnesium Dihydrate 
3. What is Magnesium Trihydrate
4. Similarities – Magnesium Dihydrate and Magnesium Trihydrate
5. Magnesium Dihydrate vs Magnesium Trihydrate in Tabular Form
6. Summary – Magnesium Dihydrate vs Magnesium Trihydrate 

What is Magnesium Dihydrate?

Magnesium dihydrate is an inorganic compound having the chemical formula H4MgO2+2. The molar mass of this substance is 60.34 g/mol. When considering the structure of magnesium dihydrate, it has a +2 charged magnesium atom in association with two water molecules. This structure leads to its name magnesium dihydrate, “di” meaning two, and “hydrate” referring to water.

The hydrogen bond donor count of this compound is 2, while the hydrogen bond acceptor count is 2 as well. Its rotatable bond count is zero. It has a heavy atom count of 3, and the formal charge is +2. Moreover, the complexity of magnesium dihydrate can be described as zero degrees, and this compound is canonicalized as well.

This compound is useful in relieving symptoms such as heartburn, difficulty swallowing, and persistent cough. Moreover, it helps as a medication to heal acid damage to the stomach and esophagus, helps prevent ulcers, and may help in preventing cancer of the esophagus. However, there can be some side effects of using magnesium dihydrate, such as black, tarry stool, blistering, peeling, or loosening of the skin, bloating, chest pain or lightness, darkened urine, fast heartbeat, etc.

What is Magnesium Trihydrate?

Magnesium trihydrate is an inorganic compound having the chemical formula H6MgO3+2. The molar mass of this compound is 78.35 g/mol. The hydrogen bond donor count of this compound is 3, and the hydrogen bond acceptor count is 3 as well. The rotatable bond count is zero. Further, it has a heavy atom count of 4, and the complexity can be given as zero. Moreover, this compound has a formal charge of +2.

This compound is useful in treating certain stomach and esophagus problems, including acid reflux and ulcers. This medication works by decreasing the amount of acid in the stomach (the acid stomach makes is reduced). It can also relieve symptoms such as heartburn, difficulty in swallowing, and persistent cough. However, there can be some side effects of using magnesium trihydrate, such as black, tarry stool, blistering, peeling, or loosening of the skin, bloating, chest pain or lightness, darkened urine, fast heartbeat, etc.

What are the Similarities Between Magnesium Dihydrate and Magnesium Trihydrate?

  1. Magnesium dihydrate and magnesium trihydrate have magnesium cations combined with water molecules.
  2. Both have similar hydrogen bond donor and acceptor counts.
  3. They have the same formal charge of +2.
  4. Both have the same rotatable bond count of zero.
  5. They show zero complexity.

What is the Difference Between Magnesium Dihydrate and Magnesium Trihydrate?

Magnesium dihydrate and magnesium trihydrate are medications that are important in relieving conditions regarding acidity in the stomach. The key difference between magnesium dihydrate and magnesium trihydrate is that magnesium dihydrate contains two water molecules with a magnesium cation and magnesium trihydrate contains three water molecules with a magnesium cation.

Below is a summary of the difference between magnesium dihydrate and magnesium trihydrate in tabular form for side-by-side comparison.

Summary – Magnesium Dihydrate vs Magnesium Trihydrate

Magnesium dihydrate is an inorganic compound having the chemical formula H4MgO2+2. Magnesium trihydrate is an inorganic compound having the chemical formula H6MgO3+2 The key difference between magnesium dihydrate and magnesium trihydrate is that magnesium dihydrate contains two water molecules with a magnesium cation and magnesium trihydrate contains three water molecules with a magnesium cation.


1. “Magnesium; Dihydrate.” National Center for Biotechnology Information. PubChem Compound Database, U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Image Courtesy:

1. “Nexium (esomeprazole magnesium) pills” By Myself – Own work (CC BY 2.5) via Commons Wikimedia