The key difference between Na’vi and Avatar is their physical features. Na’vi have four fingers on each limb, have big toes, and their queue starts at the top of the skull, while avatars have five fingers on each limb, have small toes, and their queue starts at the base of the skull. In addition, Na’vi have larger lemur-like eyes and flat cat-like noses, whereas avatars have large and human-like eyes and human-like noses with central edges.
Na’vi and Avatar are two types of characters in the world-famous movie “Avatar,” produced by James Cameron. Na’vi is the native inhabitants of Pandora, whereas Avatar is a genetically-engineered body created by humans and piloted through a neutral link. Both Na’vi and Avatar physically look almost the same. But there are some differences between them if observed closely. But Na’vi can reproduce with hybrid creatures like Avatar.
1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Na’vi
3. What is Avatar
4. Na’vi vs Avatar in Tabular Form
5. Summary – Na’vi vs Avatar
What is Na’vi?
The Na’vi are sapient, extraterrestrial humanoids who live in the jungles of Pandora. Some clans also live in deserts, tropical reefs, icy tundras, wetlands, and mountain regions. They are the indigenous people of that planet.
Na’vi are thin, about 9 -10 inches tall, and have large blue, yellow or green eyes. The jungle-fairing Na’vi named Omitakaya have deep blue skin, while the oceanic clans have greenish-cyan and turquoise. Their colour is due to the presence of cyanin pigment. They have pointed ears, cat-like noses, and tails. Their bones have naturally occurring carbon fibre. Their feet look almost like a human’s. But they have four fingers in their hands instead of five. They also have a tendril feature, which is called a queue, protruding from the back of their heads. It is surrounded by hair, and it feeds directly to the brain. This helps them to connect with other organisms on that planet by transferring electrochemical signals like memories and thoughts.
Humans refer to Na’vi as ‘blues,’ ‘natives,’ ‘savages,’ ‘hostiles’, or ‘the locals.’ They are intelligent creatures. They are also hunters, and their technology is similar to Earth’s Paleolithic epoch. They also have a sophisticated culture based on a spiritual connection to other lives, each other on their planet, and especially with a goddess named Eywa.
Na’vi live about 30% longer than humans, and Na’vi children also grow more rapidly than human babies. The Na’vi females produce one to ten babies and nurse their babies for up to four months.
What is Avatar?
Avatar is a genetically engineered human/ Na’vi hybrid body that acts as a remotely controlled vessel for the human mind. The chosen candidates, who are known as drivers, psionically connect with avatar bodies. This process uses human DNA; therefore, the Avatar resembles the facial features of the drivers. These avatars can breathe in the air of Pandora, which is poisonous to humans without exopacks, a lightweight air filtration method. Therefore, they can visit Pandora and easily associate with the natives and engage in scientific fieldwork. However, avatars can not function if the driver is not connected to them.
The avatars are about 10 feet high and have blue skin with bioluminescent markings. They also have large golden eyes. They have movable ears, a queue, and a tail.
These avatars are created from the DNA of Na’vi and selected human volunteers. They are developed in amnio tanks which act as artificial wombs while humans travel from Earth to Pandora, which takes 5 years of Earth time. During this time, the Avatar develops to adult size because they grow faster than humans.
What is the Difference Between Na’vi and Avatar?
Na’vi is the native inhabitants of Pandora, whereas Avatar is a genetically-engineered body created by humans and piloted through a neutral link. Furthermorre, Na’vi have four fingers on each limb, have big toes, and their queue starts at the top of the skull, while avatars have five fingers on each limb, have small toes, and their queue starts at the base of the skull. In addition, Na’vi have larger lemur-like eyes and flat and cat-like noses, whereas avatars have large and human-like eyes and human-like noses with central edges. Moreover, avatars have eyebrows, whereas Na’vi are hairless apart from their scalp and a small tuft of hair on the tips of their tails. Thus, these are the key differences between Na’vi and Avatar based on their physical features.
Below is a summary of the difference between Na’vi and Avatar in tabular form for side by side comparison.
Summary – Na’vi vs Avatar
Na’vi have four fingers on each limb, big toes, a queue that starts at the top of the skull, larger lemur-like eyes, and flat cat-like noses, while avatars have five fingers on each limb, small toes, a queue that starts at the base of the skull, eyebrows, large and human-like eyes, and human-like noses with central edges. So, this is the summary of the difference between Na’vi and Avatar.
1. “Na’vi.” James Camerons Avatar Fandom Wiki.
2. “Avatar (species)” James Camerons Avatar Fandom Wiki.
Image Courtesy:
1. “Jake’s avatar and Neytiri” By Avatar’s official Flickr page (Fair use) via Commons Wikimedia
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