The key difference between precum and sperm is that precum is a clear fluid excreted from the penis before climax, while sperm is a reproductive cell excreted from the penis after climax.
Precum and sperm are two substances excreted from the penis during male orgasms. Pre-ejaculate or precum is a fluid made during sexual arousal from Cowper’s glands and glands of Littre, which open at different sites along the length of the urethra. Precum plays a major role in arousal and intercourse, while sperm is a reproductive cell produced from the testes of males.
1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What is Precum
3. What is Sperm
4. Similarities – Precum and Sperm
5. Precum vs Sperm in Tabular Form
6. Summary – Precum vs Sperm
What is Precum?
Precum is a clear fluid excreted from the penis before the climax. Precum is also known as pre-ejaculation fluid. It is made from Cowper’s glands and glands of Littre, which open at different sites along the length of the urethra. The Cowper’s glands are a pair of pea-sized glands. Cowper’s glands are also half an inch in diameter and connected to the urethra by ducts. Glands of Littre are very small urethral glands that line the penile urethra. They are tubuloacinar mucinous glands. Precum exits from the urethra, which is the same tube from which urine leaves the body. During sexual arousal, precum is often found on the tip of the penis.
Precum helps sperms to travel more easily out of the body. Moreover, precum can be a natural lubricant during sex. Though precum is devoid of sperms, some researchers suggest it may contain sperms due to cross-contamination. This is due to semen that may be present in the urethra from a previous sexual encounter, as both precum and semen pass through the urethra. Furthermore, precum can carry bacteria and viruses. Therefore, it is important to take precautions to avoid getting infected.
What is a Sperm?
Sperm is a reproductive cell excreted from the penis after climax. Sperm is also called male gamete. Sperm is produced from the testes of males. A mature sperm cell is around 0.005 mm long. It consists of a head, body, and tail. The head is covered by the ac cap, and it contains a nucleus of dense genetic material. The head is attached from the neck to the body, which contains mitochondria. The mitochondria supply the energy for the activity of the sperm. The tail is made of protein fibers that contract on alternative sides. The tail gives the sperm a wavelike movement that drives the sperm through the seminal fluid.
Semen contains small amount of semen, water, plasma, mucus, and some nutrients such as calcium, citrate, fructose, glucose, lactic acid, magnesium, potassium, protein, and zinc. Furthermore, the function of a sperm cell is to be released during sexual intercourse and to meet with the ovum for the process of fertilization. The fertilization creates a new genetic material.
What are the Similarities Between Precum and Sperm?
- Precum and sperm are two substances excreted from the penis during male orgasm.
- Both are produced by the organs of the male reproductive system.
- They travel along the urethra and are excreted through penis.
- Both are very important for male reproductive function.
What is the Difference Between Precum and Sperm?
Precum is a clear fluid excreted from the penis before climax, while sperm is a reproductive cell excreted from the penis after climax. Thus, this is the key difference between precum and sperm. Furthermore, precum is produced from Cowper’s glands and glands of Littre while, sperm is produced from testes. Thus, this is another difference between precum and sperm.
The below infographic presents the differences between precum and sperm in tabular form for side by side comparison.
Summary – Precum vs Sperm
Precum and sperm are two substances that are produced by the organs of the male reproductive system and excreted from the penis during male orgasm. Precum is a clear fluid produced by the male reproductive system and excreted from the penis before climax, while sperm is a reproductive cell produced by the male reproductive system and excreted from the penis after climax. So, this is the key difference between precum and sperm.
1. Lane, S. Nicole. “What Is Precum?” Verywell Health, Verywell Health.
2. “Sperm.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Image Courtesy:
1. “3D Medical Animation male accessory gland” By Scientific Animations (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Commons Wikimedia
2. “Complete diagram of a human spermatozoa en” By Mariana Ruiz Villarreal (Public Domain) via Commons Wikimedia
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