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What is the Difference Between Teaching Methods and Teaching Strategies

The key difference between teaching methods and teaching strategies is that teaching methods consist of principles and approaches that are used by teachers in presenting the subject matter, whereas teaching strategies refer to the approaches used by teachers to achieve the goals and objectives of the lessons.

Both teaching methods and teaching strategies are used by considering factors like class size, level appropriacy, lesson content, and subject matters. In addition, both teaching methods and strategies help the learners to achieve their learning goals successfully.


1. Overview and Key Difference
2. What are Teaching Methods 
3. What are Teaching Strategies
4. Teaching Methods vs Teaching Strategies in Tabular Form
5. Summary – Teaching Methods vs Teaching Strategies

What are Teaching Methods?

Teaching methods are the principles and management instructions used in the classroom setting. Teaching methods vary in different factors: the subject taught, the number of students in a class, and learner styles. In a classroom setting, the teacher may use a combination of teaching methods that is fit for the needs of the learners in that particular class. The goals of teaching methods can also be different from one course to another. The basic two methods that are used by a majority of teachers are learner-centered method and teacher-centered method.

In the learner-centered method, students play a major role, and the teacher is just a facilitator. On the other hand, in the teacher-centered method, the teacher plays an active role, and the students become passive learners. Apart from these two methods, content-focused method, interactive method flipped classroom, gamification, and cooperative learning are some teaching methods used in the classroom setting. The use of effective and successful teaching methods leads to achieving the best performances of the students in the class.

What are Teaching Strategies?

Teaching strategies are known as the approaches and techniques used by teachers to deliver the course content for pupils. Generally, teaching strategies focus on achieving the goals and objectives of the lessons. Using teaching strategies, teachers can help students in their learning process. Moreover, teachers may use distinct teaching strategies according to the subject, class size, and the level appropriacy of the learners. The strategies used for lessons may vary from one another.

Sometimes, teachers create class activities that go along with teaching strategies. The use of strategies helps the learners to engage and practice different skills. Especially, skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision making are developed with the use of effective and appropriate teaching strategies in the class.

What is the Difference Between Teaching Methods and Teaching Strategies?

The basic difference between teaching methods and teaching strategies is that teaching methods refer to the approaches used in the presentation and delivery of the lesson, whereas teaching strategies refer to the methods used to achieve the objectives and goals of the lessons. Another major difference between teaching methods and teaching strategies is teaching methods focus on the types of activities used in the process of teaching, whereas teaching strategies focus on the methods that are used to facilitate the learning of the students. Besides, although learner styles are not considered in teaching methods, they are an important concept in teaching strategies.

Below is a summary of the difference between teaching methods and teaching strategies in tabular form for side by side comparison.

Summary – Teaching Methods vs Teaching Strategies

The key difference between the teaching methods and the teaching strategies is that teaching methods focus on the approaches and principles that are used in delivering subject matter to the students, whereas teaching strategies focus on the approaches used by teachers in achieving the goals and objectives of the lessons. The use of fitting teaching methods and teaching strategies help to provide effective learning for students in the class.


1. “Teaching Methods Overview.” Faculty Center, University of Central Florida.
2. “Teaching Methods.” Teach.
3. “Teaching Methodologies – Meaning and Definition.” Teachmint.

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1. “Man-teacher-training-businesss” (CC0) via Pixabay