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Difference Between Academic and Business Writing

Academic vs Business Writing

There are different styles of writings depending upon purpose and content. The world of business has different demands than academics, and there is also difference in length and format. Students have to learn the differences between different styles of writing quickly to be precise and effective in their assignments. This article attempts to highlight the differences between academic and business writing to enable people to avoid making mistakes in communication in written style.

Academic Writing

These are writing styles that students get confronted with when they are given assignments on various topics by their professors. Whatever the task, there is always a purpose why writing is undertaken. The writing style thus depends upon the purpose to be achieved. Often, the style of writing in the academic world is dependent upon the style prompted or asked by the professor.

Academic writing is designed to impress the reader, often the instructor of the student, to let him know the depth of knowledge of the student. Most often, the only person who ever reads what a student has written is his instructor. Also, the format in academic writing is mostly confined to research papers, essays, and at times, lab reports. Academic writing involves reflecting writer’s ability or depth of knowledge. This means that it is always better to write at length, and students are encouraged by their instructors to write more.

Business Writing

In the world of business, writing is indeed very important, but the purpose changes greatly in comparison to academic writing. Business writing involves writing business letters such as proposals, reports, plans etc. These letters can be written for audiences inside an organization or they can be intended for communication with audiences outside the organization.

The style of writing is concise and crisp as it is based upon sheer facts and does not need to be lengthy. There are no ornate styles for decorating the content and cold facts serve the purpose very well.

What is the difference between Academic and Business Writing?

• Business writing has to be clear and concise which necessitates it to be short in length. On the other hand, academic writing can be very lengthy to impress the instructor with the knowledge level of the student.

• The audiences in case of business writing can be varied while, in case of academic writing, the only person who gets a chance to read the research paper or essay is the instructor.

• Academic writing consists of decorating the text with an ornate style while business writing is mostly full of cold facts only.

• The purpose of writing in the business world is totally different form that in the academic world.

• Business writing can be used many times while academic writing is meant to be used for single use.