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Difference Between Associates Degree and Bachelors Degree

Associates Degree vs Bachelors Degree

Both Associate degree and Bachelor’s degree are undergraduate degrees, but there are differences between them in terms of scope, duration, and the outcome. Many students about to enroll for a graduate degree used to be in a dilemma, as they are not sure about the differences between an Associate’s Degree and a Bachelor’s Degree. As lot of time, money, and, in fact, your future prospects are dependent upon the decision you make, it is better to understand the features of both degrees. This article intends to clear the confusion in the minds of the students about these two degrees so as to be able to make a better and informed choice. You will realize that once you understand what kind of a programme each refers to, it is not so hard to find the difference between the two degrees.

What is an Associate’s Degree?

Associate’s degree is an undergraduate degree. It is a degree programme provided by community colleges and technical universities. Normally, an associate degree is a two year program. It consists of 60 credit hours. An associate’s degree is often preferred by students who are not sure of their career or are not sure if they would like to pursue college studies beyond associate’s degree. However, some students purposefully select associate’s degree, if they know that is what they need for their career. Such students, who wish to pursue further studies are allowed to transfer the credits earned during associate’s degree into bachelor’s degree program.

An associate degree, after completion, can fetch you jobs that are less paying than those that are on offer for those who hold a bachelor’s degree. Jobs in the healthcare technician and medical assisting fields as well as jobs such as paralegal require an associate degree only. Honestly speaking, an associate’s degree is much more like a crash course or a professional certificate training a candidate in a particular field of specialization.


What is a Bachelors Degree?

Bachelor’s degree is an undergraduate degree. Those who are clear cut in their minds about their career directly enroll in bachelor’s degree program. A regular bachelor’s degree is provided by all reputed universities and colleges. A bachelor’s degree is a full time course and usually takes 4-5 years for completion. The Bachelor’s degree course consists of 128 credit hours.

Once you complete the bachelor’s degree you can apply for a job in that field. Bachelor’s degree provides more opportunities in terms of job prospects and it also serves as a basis to go for Master’s degree or a career in the field of research. After bachelor’s degree, one can opt to do any professional course such as law, medicine, administration, dentistry, etc.

What is the difference between Associates Degree and Bachelors Degree?

Both associate and bachelor’s degrees are undergraduate degrees.

• Normally, an associate degree is a two year program while a bachelor’s degree is a full time course that usually takes 4-5 years for completion.

• Associate’s degree consists of 60 credit hours while Bachelor’s degree course consists of 128 credit hours.

• While associate’s degree is provided by community colleges and technical Universities, a regular bachelor’s degree is provided by all reputed universities and colleges.

• One is eligible for a job after having an associate’s degree, but it is also used by some as a launching pad for higher studies.

• Less paying jobs such as jobs in the healthcare technician and medical assisting fields as well as jobs such as paralegal only require an associate degree.

• A bachelor’s degree offers more in terms of career opportunities than an associate’s degree.


Images Courtesy: Graduate via Wikicommons (Public Domain)