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Difference Between Dating and Relationship

Dating vs Relationship

Since the terms relationship and dating are often used again and again by couple, it would be better to know the difference between dating and relationship before getting into the courting world. As some couples use these words, relationship and dating over and over without a distinction, some would consider the two as synonyms. Even though the two words, relationship and dating, involve two particular persons, these two terms cannot be more different from each other. In a purely linguistic point of view, dating is a word that has derived from the verb date. At the same time, relationship is a noun. According to the Oxford dictionary, relationship means “an emotional and sexual association between two people.”

What is Dating?

Dating could be called as a new relationship. It is a process where an individual gets to know about another individual for the main purpose of knowing whether that person would be a perfect partner. In a dating to starting process, both persons share some of their feelings with the aim of romantic purposes and to know more about each other.

When two persons are involved in the process of dating, no level of commitment is shared between the two people. The main reason is that dating is often done to check whether or not a person would make a perfect partner. Dating would be doing fun things together, going to the beach or movies with the main aim of knowing more about each others. This is the main reason that a woman or man could date one or more individuals at a time.

In a dating process, usually, there will be a lack of commitment and seriousness between two persons and the time they spend together would be less, may be few weeks or months. In dating, unlike in a relationship, there are no such strong connections because both people are new to each other and are trying to know more about each other.

What is a Relationship?

A relationship is a bond or connection between two persons, either between the same sex and gender or by different genders. A relationship cannot be developed with an unknown person. It is developed through regular communication and being with that particular person. Even though, there are some relationships that involve some feelings to be felt between the two persons, this is not essentially a reason for a relationship to happen. For example, a relationship between a lawyer and this client or relationship between a doctor and his patient are also considered relationships.

Unlike dating, when two persons are in a relationship, there is some serious level of commitment that is enjoyed between the two persons. When you have decided you are in a relationship then you would probably start referring to one another as girlfriend or boyfriend. You would introduce each other to your family and close friends. In a relationship, both people spend much time together. In a relationship, two persons know more about each other. They start sharing their personal problems, happiness and challenges and both try to come out with a perfect solution or decision making process.

Moreover, in a relationship there is seriousness and commitment between the partners and they sometimes spend their entire lifetime together or live with each other. In a relationship, the connection between two persons is very strong. Also, in a relationship both people give more importance to each other.

What is the difference between Dating and Relationship?

• Dating could be called as a new relationship. It is a process where an individual gets to know about another individual for the main purpose of knowing whether that person would be a perfect partner.

• A relationship is a bond or connection between two persons, either between the same sex and gender or by different genders.

• In dating the level of seriousness is less. In a relationship, the level of seriousness in high.

• Length of time spent together: dating means length of time spent together could be less as in few weeks or months. In a relationship, the length of time spent together is longer. Sometimes it can go up to a life time.


Further Reading:

  1. Difference Between Dating and Courtship
  2. Difference Between Dating and Going Out
  3. Difference Between Working and Personal Relationships
  4. Difference Between Open Relationship and Relationship