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Difference Between Dictionary and Glossary

Dictionary vs Glossary

Dictionary and Glossary are two terms that are often confused due to the appearing similarity between their meanings. Strictly speaking, there is some difference between the two words. Dictionary is a compilation of words and their meanings and usages. It is highly useful for the student and the writer alike.

On the other hand, a glossary is nothing but a word list. It is a list of words that appear in a particular chapter or a lesson. This is the main difference between the two words, namely, dictionary and glossary.

Glossary is a mere word list. It is normally added at the end of a chapter or a lesson. This is to facilitate the understanding of the meanings of tough words included in the chapter or the lesson. You will find glossary added at the end of lessons in the text books of high schools and higher secondary schools.

On the other hand, a dictionary is a broad terms that conveys a broader sense. It is a collection of a large number of words and their meanings. It is indeed interesting to note that a dictionary contains usages of words also. It throws enormous light on various other aspects of language such as usage, gender, number, parts of speech, tense and the like. Hence, the use of a dictionary is highly recommended for the student.

On the other hand, the purpose of the inclusion of a glossary towards the end of the chapter or the lesson is to convey the meanings of difficult words included in the chapter. Sometimes it is true that several difficult words are included by the author in a poem or an essay. A glossary is prepared and it is added at the end of the poem or the essay. These are the differences between dictionary and glossary.