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Difference Between Emu and Ostrich

Emu vs Ostrich

Emu and ostrich have several similarities. At a glance, both appear to be twin brothers, but they are distant cousins. Both of them are flightless birds having a huge body and long legs. They are capable of running at great speeds and dwell mostly in grasslands and savannas. Unlike other birds, they do not make nest on trees or at a height, rather they make shallow holes in the ground for this purpose. They are known to lead a nomadic life as they keep travelling from one place to another. They have the innate ability to swim in water. Both Emu and Ostrich are commercially important birds as they are hunted for their meat and skin.


Emu is the only alive bird belonging to genus Dromaius and is the largest native bird of Australia. Also, it is the second largest bird in the world by height. It reaches upto a maximum height of around six and a half feet and is capable of running at a speed of 50 kmph. They are known to be plant and insect eaters but sometimes also consume small stones and metal pieces. Emu has three toes with very sharp nails. After the female has laid eggs, the male emu incubates them till they are hatched. An emu becomes fully mature after 12 – 14 months. During the mating season, a male emu sticks with just one female. It has black feathers that are always in demand in the market. Emu is mostly hunted for the oil that is made from its fat.


Ostrich is a native of Africa and is the only living member of the genus struthio. It is the largest bird found on our planet. It can grow as tall as seven to nine feet and can easily sprint at more than 95 kmph. They mostly feed on plants and invertebrates but sometimes swallow pebbles as well. An ostrich has two toes on its feet. Its feathers are deep black and has a white tail. Females incubate eggs during the day while males do it at night.

What’s the difference between Emu and Ostrich?

♦ Emo is a native of Australia while ostrich is a native of Africa.

♦ Emo is second largest bird while ostrich is largest bird found on earth.

♦ Emo has three toes while ostrich has two.

♦ Ostrich runs faster, weighs more and stands taller than emo.