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Difference Between Fresh Turkey and Frozen Turkey

Fresh Turkey vs Frozen Turkey

A  sophisticated palate will easily identify the difference between fresh turkey and frozen turkey from the taste and flavor. When it comes to the culinary arts, it is always recommended that one uses the freshest ingredients possible to ensure the best flavours and better nutritional values. It is not any different when it comes to the meats as well. Fresh turkey and frozen turkey differ mainly in terms of their freshness which ultimately affects the taste as well. Choosing the perfect turkey becomes crucial when it comes to preparing the thanksgiving meal, and it is here that the difference between fresh turkey and frozen turkey become the most crucial. 

What is Fresh Turkey?

Fresh turkey is a turkey that has been just recently butchered that has not been frozen. The lesser the time between the point that the turkey has been slaughtered and the time it is cooked, the tastier and juicier the flesh of the turkey is. A fresh turkey is always recommended for those of who are privileged to have this option since it is also the healthiest choice. Fresh turkeys are fed with natural or organic foods such as grass, flowers, and fresh corn.

What is Frozen Turkey?

Frozen turkey, on the other hand, is usually associated with inorganic feeds, various medications and hormones that encourage faster growth of the birds as well as to develop plumper flesh. More often than not, frozen turkey is raised in the barn where their environment is controlled to hasten their growth rate. Frozen turkey can be kept in the freezer for months but the more it sits, the drier the meat becomes. Therefore, not only the taste of the turkey is compromised, but also the nutritional value.

What is the difference between Fresh Turkey and Frozen Turkey?

One is faced with a sizable dilemma when it comes to choosing that perfect turkey for thanksgiving. Fresh turkey and frozen turkey are two options that are in the market today, and it is advisable to gain some insight into both types prior to making one’s choice.

Fresh turkey has a juicier and tastier meat compared to that of frozen turkey which tends to become dry as it continues to sit in the freezer. Frozen turkey can be purchased weeks before it needs to be prepared. Fresh turkey, however, should be bought on the day it needs to be prepared. Fresh turkey is usually fed on organic feed. Frozen turkey is typically fed with non-organic feeds. Fresh turkey is raised in an environment where they can roam free. Frozen turkey, on the other hand, is raised and bred in a closely monitored environment.


Fresh Turkey vs Frozen Turkey

• Fresh turkey is raised or bred in an open field where they can roam freely while frozen turkeys are raised in turkey barns where they are more controlled.

• Fresh turkey eats fresh and organic foods while frozen turkeys eat processed corns and growth enhanced foods.

• Fresh turkey is  more juicier and tastier than frozen turkey. 

• Fresh turkey needs to be cooked immediately to maintain its juiciness and freshness while frozen turkeys can be bought weeks before the preparation day.


Image Attribution: Thanksgiving Turkey by Ruocaled (CC BY 2.0)