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Difference Between Kindness and Compassion

Kindness vs Compassion

Kindness and Compassion are two words that are often confused due to an assumed similarity in their meanings. Actually there is some difference between the two words in terms of their meanings.


Kindness is the qualities of being friendly and generous to people that are normally distressed. Kindness consists in being benevolent and it is all about gentle nature. A person with the quality of kindness shows lot of concern, affection and consideration to another person that is afflicted.

It is important to know that kindness is shown by human beings to living beings other than human beings too such as animals and birds. The quality of kindness is always accompanied by the quality of being affectionate. A kind-hearted person is a person that is of the nature of a kind disposition.


Compassion on the other hand is a quality that inclines human beings to help the needy. The quality of being merciful accompanies the quality of compassion. A person that is compassionate towards the weak also shows merciful attitude towards them. It is important to note that the quality of being merciful is due to the natural pity that arises in him to help the needy.

Difference between Kindness and Compassion

One of the main differences between kindness and compassion is that kindness is not often accompanied by the quality of being merciful whereas compassion is always accompanied by the attribute of ‘mercy’. This is the reason why the judge reduces the punishment meted out to the accused on compassionate grounds.

The word ‘compassion’ has its adjective in the form of the word ‘compassionate’. ‘Compassionate’ means ‘sympathetic’ and ‘pitying’. Another important difference between kindness and compassion is that kindness is always accompanied by the attribute of ‘affection’ whereas compassion is not often accompanied by the attribute of ‘affection’. The judge reduces the punishment meted out to the accused not affectionate grounds but on merciful grounds.