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Difference Between Male and Female

Male vs Female

Male and Female are same till puberty except the external genitalia apperance.

In human, all of them are basically structured as female. The sex is determined by the sex chromosomes. If the sex chromosome pair has Y chromosome, the fetus will develop as male child. If no Y and sex pair is XX composition, the child will develop as female.

Male child has testis and female has ovaries. In male child, the gonad of the male (testis) will come down to the scrotal sac; the female gonads will remain inside the abdomen. Till the period of adolescence (till puberty) the male and female child will be same except the appearance of the external genitalia. The male child has penis with the scrotum. Female has the vagina and uterus.

During puberty the hormones are secreted from the testis and ovary. Female has more estrogens and progesterone, male has testosterone. Male child’s voice pitch reduces at this stage because of the thickening of the vocal cords. The hair will started to grow in the face, axilla and the private region. Female’s voice remain same. But her breast develops and more fat will be deposited under the skin. She develops hair growth in the arm pit and private region. But the hair pattern and distribution is different. Male has the diamond shape hair distribution in the private region; his hair will reach the belly button. In female the hair in the private region is triangular. Females have more hair growth in scalp (hair in the head).

From the puberty the body shapes vary from male and female. Generally male body has more muscle and strong bones. His hip is narrow. But the female hip widens to carry the child. She has fat in the body and less muscle strength. These changes are called secondary sexual characteristics.

Female starts the menstrual cycle from the puberty to menopause. She will bleed cyclically.

Male will be able to erect the penis and the ejaculation will give the sperm to female to fertilize the ova. If the sperm contain the chromosome Y the child will be male if not, the child will be female. So male is the one responsible to produce the male child.


Male and female are two main classes of human in sex. Usually they are same till puberty except the external appearance of genitalia. The Hormones which secreted from the gonads are responsible for the changes after puberty. The differences mainly designed to reproduce a child.