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Difference Between Male and Female Emotions

Male vs Female Emotions

Males and females complete the species of human beings and ostensibly, there are differences between them that can be seen from a distance. It is these physical differences such as breasts in females, and hair on the face and body in males that work as magnetic attraction between them. However, there are also emotional differences that are reflected in their thinking and overall behavior. As people remain confused about these differences, women and men often complaint that the other can never understand them. Let us take a closer look and try to find these differences.

What are Male Emotions?

Before understanding the difference in males and females in their emotions and expression of emotions let us consider some differences between males and females which lead to this condition. The first reason for emotional differences between men and women is because of subtle differences in brain functioning. Scientists have proved that these differences pertain to how men and women process information, language, emotions, etc. It is these differences that decide why there are so many more male mathematicians, mechanical engineers, pilots, and racing car drivers than females. There are two hemispheres of the human brain. Left hemisphere deals with logical reasoning while the right hemisphere governs our emotions and personal relations. It is not that these hemispheres work in isolation. Both are connected through nerve fibers to exchange information.

However, whether a girl or a boy, our school teaching is such that, more emphasis is laid on language skills drawing from the left hemisphere, and thus right hemisphere develops much slower. However, in case of boys, secretion of testosterone damages some connections between left and right brain hemispheres making them less emotional and more rational thinking than girls. It is not that men are without emotions, but they handle them differently than females. They try to keep their emotions inside unlike women who like to talk about their emotions. In fact, men hate it when they are asked to reveal their innermost thoughts. However, there can be exceptions and, this is only a generalization. The truth lies somewhere in between.

What are Female Emotions?

When examining the brain functioning, scientists highlight that the difference in female and male brain leads to their progression in life. We see more women in the role of teachers, banking positions, customer relation officers. Women are adept at language and words, and this makes them more suited to be placed in offices to deal with customers.

The females are more expressive of their emotions in comparison to males. They prefer to express what they feel rather than keeping them inside. This can also be due to cultural practices and the very socialization process. The girl child is encouraged t be emotional and expressive whereas the boy child is restrained because he is a boy. This is why when men stop communicating, women feel they are upset and ask them what they are thinking. This is because women become quiet when they are hurt. Women feel that men hide themselves behind emotions and do not reveal their true self.

What is the Difference Between Male Emotions and Female Emotions?


Image Courtesy:

1. Young man smiling by BerLin (Nikon) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

2. Iraqi girl smiles by Christiaan Briggs(Self-published work by Christiaan Briggs) [GFDL , CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons