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Difference Between Male and Female Pigeon

Male vs Female Pigeon

It appears that only pigeons are able to identify their males and females apart without any confusion, as they both have very similar outer appearance. However, a closer look with keen attention to certain features and habits would reveal whether it is a male or a female. Therefore, it is very important to know about these differentiating pigeon characteristics into males and females.

Male Pigeon

A male pigeon is slightly larger and the body length could measure up to 345 millimetres. The body weight averages around 240 grams, but some reports state that it could go up to 300 grams. Being males, they have the masculine hormones and characteristics viz. a little aggressiveness. The most obvious but externally unseen characteristic is the male reproductive system. Therefore, they do not lay eggs. There is an important feature in males about their hipbones, which are closer and almost touching. In addition, the foremost toe of the leg of a male is slightly longer than the other toes. Usually, male pigeons have a pronounced and higher crown, i.e. their eyes locate slightly lower on the face. Males engage in fights with each other for female mating partners. The upper order of the vent is more protruding than the lower order in males. The vocal sound that male pigeons frequently make is coo, and the cooing frequency is higher in the reproductive periods. They coo with a dance, in which the male walk in circles accompanied by a fully fanned tail and frequent flapping of the wings to hit the ground. Sometimes the male bows to the female before mating. As many bird species, pigeons also puff up their feathers to get the female attention. During mating, the male mounts on the female. Later male also help in incubating the eggs, but usually do it during the morning session.

Female Pigeon

Unlike many other avian species, pigeon females have been able to manage an almost similar plumage as the males. They have an average body weight around 200 grams and the length of the body could go up to about 325 millimetres. Being females, they lay eggs and the lower order of the vent is more protruding than the upper order. As in many animals, pigeon females also have a wider pectoral girdle, as their hipbones space out more than one centimetre from each other. Through an external examination of the bones under the tail, wider pectoral girdle could be determined. All the toes of female pigeons are equal in length. Additionally, the crown is not higher and prominent, because the females have eyes positioned towards the head than the face. Females also coo, but not frequently. However, squeaking and peeping sounds are more frequent than cooing among female pigeons. After males perform their dance to attract the female, she shows her acceptance by dropping the wing down to ground and allows mating. After laying eggs, females do most of the egg sitting including afternoon sessions and nights.

What is the difference between Male and Female Pigeons?

• Males are larger and heavier than the females.

• Males coo more, while females peep and squeak more.

• Male pigeons perform an attractive dance following the female, while female watches it and shows her acceptance by simply dropping the wings down before mating.

• Most obviously, females lay eggs, but males do not upon mating.

• Usually, males incubate eggs during the morning session, whereas female takes it over for the rest of the time including afternoon and night.

• Pectoral girdle of females is wider, but it is not wide, but closely located hipbones in males.

• The foremost toe of both legs is slightly longer in males, whereas in females all the toes are equl in length.

• Upper order of the vent of males is more protruding than the lower order, while it is completely opposite in females.