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Difference Between Middle Ages and Dark Ages


As historical periods, what is the difference between Middle Ages and Dark Ages? However, before going into the difference between the two periods, let us see what these two periods are. In each region of the world, the history is categorized into different periods or eras. Most of the times, it is related to the rulers of the region or country. For example, Ming Dynasty is a historical period in the Chinese history and Ming is the name of a royal family. The era they were ruling is known as Ming Dynasty. Then, where do Middle Ages and Dark Ages belong? They belong to the European history. The period between the Fall of Rome and the Renaissance is often referred to as Middle Ages. It is roughly between 476 AD to 1600 AD  The Dark Ages is the period from 400 AD to 1000 AD This is actually the early part of the Middle Ages, which is known as Early Middle Ages.

What is Middle Ages?

Middle Ages is the period between the Fall of Rome and the Renaissance; that is roughly between 476 AD to 1600 AD. It is interesting to note that Middle Ages is divided by the historians into three smaller periods. These smaller periods are the Early Middle Ages, the High Middle Ages, and the Late Middle Ages. The fall of the Roman Empire and the invasion of the Romans by the Germans mark the Early Middle Ages. In fact, the Early Middle Ages saw a few other invasions too. Some of these invasions include the invasion of the English by the Angles and the Saxons, northern France by the Vikings, and the Ostrogoths by the Lombards in Italy. The High Middle Ages started probably from 1000 AD. One can very well see the formation of England, France and Germany around 1066, after the Norman Conquest. Roman Empire suffered further setback in this period. England and France suffered a lot as a consequence of what is called Hundred Years’ War between them during the late Middle Ages.

What is Dark Ages?

The decline of Roman Empire has its bearing on Europe. The intensity of the decline of Roman Empire was felt during the Dark Ages. During Dark Ages, there was a setback in the economic and cultural development in Europe.

The fall of the Roman Empire and the invasion of the Romans by the Germans mark the Early Middle Ages. In fact the Early Middle Ages saw a few other invasions too. Some of these invasions include the invasion of the English by the Angles and the Saxons, northern France by Vikings and the Ostrogoths by the Lombards in Italy.

The High Middle Ages started probably from 1000 AD. One can very well see the formation of England, France and Germany around 1066, after the Norman Conquest. Roman Empire suffered further setback in this period. England and France suffered a lot as a consequence of what is called Hundred Years’ War between them during the late Middle Ages.

The decline of Roman Empire has its bearing on Europe. The intensity of the decline of Roman Empire was felt during what are called as Dark Ages. During Dark Ages, there was a setback in the economic and cultural development in Europe.

Historians use the word Dark Ages to indicate only the Early Middle Ages, when there was a beginning of a decline in the economic and cultural situation in the whole of Europe. Earlier historians fixed the date of Dark Ages between 400 AD and 1000 AD. They feel that the Dark Ages could be the period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the High Middle Ages. Hence according to historians there is not much of a difference between the two terms Middle Ages and the Dark Ages.

In a completely linguistical way, the term Dark ages carries the meaning ‘a period of supposed unenlightenment.’ For example,

He could not be a part of the dark ages of literature.

Here, the dark ages of literature refers to a period in literature where nothing new is produced.

What is the difference between Middle Ages and Dark Ages?

• Middle Ages refer to the period from 5th to 15th century. In other words, Middle Ages is the the period between the Fall of Rome and the Renaissance.

• Dark Ages is the Early Middle Ages, which is fixed from 400 AD to 1000 AD by historians.

• Both these periods belong to the European history.

• Middle Ages are also known as Medieval Ages.

• The Medieval Ages or Middle Ages is divided into three main parts as Early Middle Ages, High Middle Ages, and Late Middle Ages.

• Compared to Dark Ages, the rest of the Medieval Ages was much more productive: there were development is arts, medicine, and culture towards the end of the Medieval Ages.

• The growth in the power of Church during the Medieval Ages is an important fact.

• Dark ages carries the meaning ‘a period of supposed unenlightenment.’


Images Courtesy: Battle of Sluys via Wikicommons (Public Domain)