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Difference Between Poem and Rhyme

Poem vs Rhyme

• Rhyme is a kind of poem, and it is just a part of the larger genre of poetry.

• A poem may by rhyming or not but a rhyme is known for the use of similar sounding words at the end of alternate lines.


Most of us fondly remember the rhymes that were taught to us when we were studying in Kindergarten and nursery classes in school. It was these rhymes that made us learn some of the basic but important concepts. In fact, rhymes are a form of poetry that lay the foundation of future learning. The chief characteristic of rhymes is that they have words that rhyme at the end of every alternate line. Rhymes are a form of poetry as is a poem. Both belong to the genre of poetry, as opposed to prose. Most of us cannot differentiate between a rhyme and a poem because of their obvious similarities. However, there are subtle differences that will be highlighted in this article.


Poem is a way of writing that is different from prose. It is a way of expression that is thoughtful and carries deep and emotional meaning in few words, in contrast to prose that has no binding of words. A poem is a cross between speech and song as it is often rhythmical and makes use of metaphors to transport readers to a whole new world. Imagination of the poet is important in poem as he can take the readers on to a journey that transcends the boundaries of time and place. Ideas and feelings are expressed in a poem, in not simple words, but through metaphors to convey a deeper meaning. Importantly, a poem is a collection of words that convey meaning in a musical manner. A poem is a piece that is made up of lines in stanzas. There is no limit to words in poetry though short poems are preferred and liked by lovers of poetry.


Rhyme is an ancient tradition of use of similar sounding words at the end of the lines in the text though some poems making use of rhyming words are also called rhymes such as Nursery Rhymes that we are all familiar with. A rhyme is characterized by the use of similar sounding words at the ends of the lines, but there is more to rhymes than just this practice. The poet uses these rhyming words to make it easier for his audiences to read the piece. Shorter texts make rhymes easy to remember and recite. This is also the reason it is easier to set rhymes on music. Rhymes are mood elevating and not just kids but even adults can say rhymes anywhere to feel lighter and happier.

What is the difference between Poem and Rhyme?

• Rhyme is a kind of poem, and it is just a part of the larger genre of poetry.

• A poem may by rhyming or not but a rhyme is known for the use of similar sounding words at the end of alternate lines.

• Rhyme is easier on the brain and makes it easier for kids to learn and grasp the idea.

• Poems have many elements of which rhyme is just one.

• All rhymes are poems, but not all poems are rhymes.

• Poems are more thoughtful and convey deeper meaning than rhymes.