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Difference Between Pony and Foal

Pony vs Foal

People who are unfamiliar with horses get usually confused in identifying ponies from foals. However, there are many differences between them, which are quite noticeable and important to know. This article emphasizes the major differences between pony and foal, so that it would be useful for anyone to identify a foal from a pony.


Pony is a small type of horse that characteristically possesses a shorter height at their withers compared to normal horses. Ponies have a thicker coat of fur with a prominent mane, short legs, wider barrels, and thicker neck compared to horse. Additionally, their dense bones, round shaped stocky body, and well-sprung ribs are of some importance. They have small ears, and their hooves are heavy. A mature pony does not usually exceed their height at the withers over 147 centimetres. Ponies are intelligent and friendly animals, and they could be handled easily without much trouble; in fact, it is said to be easier than handling an adult horse. They have an average lifespan around 25 – 30 years, and sometimes they can live even more than that.


Foal is the referred term for the young horses or ponies that are less than one year old. Male foals are known as colts while female foals are referred as filly. Foals are inherently capable of escaping from predators, which is a speciality about them. They obviously are small, but the head is larger comparatively. Their legs are longer proportionally to their body size. The tail and the mane are not prominent in foals, but the coat is little long and very smooth. The colour of faeces during suckling period is yellow, but it turns to dark green as they change their food into roughages that takes place after about ten days from the birth. Foals are usually very playful and always stay with the mother.

What is the difference between Pony and Foal?

· Pony is a small type of horse that does not grow large like horses. However, foal is the small aged (less than one year old) of any breed of large horse.

· Ponies are larger compared to foals in body size. However, pony foals are smaller compared to horse foals.

· Pony has a thick rough short coat of fur, whereas foal has a loose hairy smooth fur coat.

· Ponies have rough haired mane and tail, but foals do not have those fully-grown.

· The legs of a pony are dense, but those in a foal are very long and thin.

· Head and legs of a foal are larger and look a little disproportionate compared to body size in foals, but those are proportional in foals.

· Foals suckle milk from their mothers, whereas ponies are adult grazers. In addition, a foal usually stays with the mother but a pony is an independent adult animal.